
How is sustainable development a challenge in MDCs and LDCs?

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and what are the pros and cons of sustainable developed in LDCs and MDCs?




  1. MDC - "More Developed Country" -- a "rich", "developed" country of "the North." Specifically, a country with a GDP per capita of greater than $4000, a strong infrastructure, adequate health care, education, water, food and technology...

    LDC - "Less (Least) Developed Country" -- a "poor", undeveloped or developing" country of "The South." Specifically a country with a GDP per capita of under $4000 - $5000, inadequate infrastructure, poor access to health care, education, technology... about 150 - 200 countries fit the "Less Developed Country" definition (49 are considered "least developed" - see link below).

    For LDCs, short-term (unsustainable) practices often dominate because of necessity: These countries are more likely to trade off more money now, even if this means huge environmental problems later.

    Pros: if economic development is sustainable, there will be low costs and few adverse consequences (air and water pollution, etc.) as a result of this growth.

    Cons: if environmental or labor standards are so high that these standards stifle growth, poverty and suffering may remain very high: People may starve in a relatively untouched environment...

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