
How is talking on a cell phone hands free supposed to be any less mentally distracting?

by  |  earlier

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If a person is engrossed in conversation to that point that you're not paying attention to your surroundings, what does it matter whether or not they actually have the phone in their had vs. using hands free?




  1. i have never figured this out either.  if you're not concentrating on your driving and surroundings you're a danger.  listening to radio, chatting with friends just plain daydreaming.

    if it's the two hands thing heck you could always drop the phone.

    and i don't use the phone while driving.  if it rings i either pull over or let the voice mail get it.

  2. It's not. That's why all cell phone usage while driving should be illegal - because it's too hard to concentrate on two things at the same time.

  3. Plain and simple. it is not and should not be allowed.......

  4. Arguably you're right.  But at least they have two hands to react in a delayed manner.  Rather than holding a phone and having only (usually the left or non-dominant hand) one hand to react.  For example, although just as mentally distracting, maybe both hands on the steering wheel is better than one in an emergency.  Also, if you outlaw talking at all, people have bluetooth or headsets anyway, it would be impossible to tell who was talking and who wasn't, and then the alternative would be radio frequency monitoring of vehicles to detect who was talking on the phone.  Then privacy laws against that etc...

  5. everyone is correct when they say because of the 2 hands thing.  but its also because when you are holding a phone to your head, part of your field of vision is obstructed.  it's harder to see out of the sides of your car and such.

  6. Many studies show that you're absolutely right. However, laws are put into motion by idiots and lobbyists who can't be bothered to check any actual facts.

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