
How is that for a theory???

by Guest55824  |  earlier

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Aliens from another Solar system with the same or similar atmosphere almost identical to us in every way. life form wise including evolutionary and technological development as well which explains why they were never able to reach us nor we them. possible??? or are we the only life in the universe???

Would make a good and ironic movie ..No??? Earth 2 LOL :)




  1. You mean Super Saiyans exist?

    The probability of this is highly likely. 200 billion galaxies etc, you know the numbers. Great, we can't do anything to prove it.

  2. It's not a theory in a scientific sense as there is no evidence that backs it up or that it seeks to explain.  

    It is an hypothesis.  Not a bad one, except for the idea that the intelligent extraterrestrial aliens look just like us.  From what we know about evolution etc that is probably just not on.

    That's one reason why Star Trek and Stargate are such pitiful rubbish, too many aliens that look a lot like humans.  

    Real aliens would require hands or something similar if they are to have a technology though.

    Intelligent life is most likely so scarce that even if it can cross interstellar distances it is unlikely to meet other intelligent life.    We may be the only potential space travelers in this galaxy.  

    As for the movie idea, it has probably been done.

  3. Mathematically it's possible that many other Earth like planets may be orbiting around other stars in our galaxy alone.  Of those even if 1% of them had life on them that still may mean there are thousands where life such as we have on Earth evolved into intelligent creatures such as ourselves.  Even if they somehow new we existed they have the same problem we have and that is the basic rules of physics.  Those rules say nothing can travel faster than the speed of light and no matter how advanced our technology gets it will still be impossible.  Even at the speed of light the distances are just too vast.  Whenever interstellar travel is discussed it's obvious that the trip would take centuries or longer.  


    If there is indeed a creator and we are not the only planet where intelligent creatures live, he saw to it that they can never interact.  If the people of Earth want to explore space we will have to be satisfied with exploring only our own solar system.


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