
How is the Burton Learn to Ride program?

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What should I know about it? Pros/cons?




  1. This program is awesome, you will definetly learn a ton. I am a part of teaching this program at Jiminy Peak in western MASS.  They have this program at a tun of mountains. The only bad thing about it is its a group lesson, so if your picking stuff up faster than others, you may get bored because of others not catching on as fast, and overall group being forced to learn at a slower speed. But its great becasue you will learn from others, and learn so fast it willl make your head spin.

  2. Jiminy peak in Mass is SICK my little brother did it and said he LOVED it and said they really taught him a lot so I suggest you should try it. Like Ant said it is a group class and you might not get enough attention or you might just get bored easily

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