
How is the Economy in California compared with Florida, Louisiana, Alabama and Mississippi?

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How is the Economy in California compared with Florida, Louisiana, Alabama and Mississippi?




  1. California has a 19 billion dollar deficit. Florida has cut spending and will not have a deficit. The other states have always rated poor compared to most other states. California which has some of the highest taxes in the country needs to get its house in order. Illegal immigration and spending on social services is a major problem.

  2. pretty much the same everywhere. AZ. on the contrary according to the person above me.. Has it better. AZ. is cleaning out the "illegal aliens" ( enforcing immigration law)hence their going to other states or back home, to south america somewhere.

    My brother has a backlog of 3 months for his painting services.

    They have a great sheriff who makes the inmates wear "pink"

    They have the most influx of new business because of this.

    Hope the rest of the US follows suit

  3. better

  4. Our economy is better, but we can see a long slide down ahead.   THe mortgage fall out has not even started and there is a major down turn in our ports due to increase competition

  5. WORSE And it's going to to bad for cali

    and for the rest of us

    Here in Arizona, food prices have gone sky high ! something is going to break soon

    We just can not afford to live on what we make

    no matter how much we cut back

    I disagree with you Sir our wages are horrible and where I live North AZ It's very bad The housing is strong but the wages are really bad

    Now down in the bigger cities they are better

    But gas food and rent here is very high and a decent wage is around 8.00 a hour now thats not good

    The waitress only make 2,87 a hour Now you call that good ?

    Any way Calif , is the worst,,

    And AZ has allot of illegals left here , and it's not the best on paying S.S.I.Disablity , Our welfare is one of the highest

  6. Taxes are much higher.  It's much more expensive to reach the same standard of living.  I've noticed that what would be a relatively inexpensive home in the South costs well over $500,000 in the parts of California that I've been in.  

    My husband and I considered moving from the South to California a few years back, as his office is in San Jose and he has to travel there every month, but we've gotten used to living in a very comfortable manner and would have had to adjust our lifestyle drastically to move to the San Jose area.  It would be difficult to adjust it down.

    Of course, we are in Virginia, but costs of living are even cheaper in the states you mentioned.

  7. Not that great.

    The State will be completely broke and it's credit in the toilet soon.The government see's to that by spending more than it takes in from the taxpayer.

    After all, we have an obligation to support every anchor baby and it's family and then some, the state also makes sure to pay for abortions, buy clean needles for the junkies, and many other things important to our very Liberal government.

    I was born here,but at the rate Cali is going I sure as h**l wont retire here.

    Arnold, WTF happened to you? You've become a girlie-man.

  8. California's economy it is superior than all those third world US states that you named.

    California is the Golden State and if we were a country, we would be the 6th most powerful economy in the world.

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