
How is the Murray Darling Basin Misused?

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well I'm struggling with my SOSE assignment and I really need help! As its due on monday!




  1. Hello!

    You have put this question in the wrong category. Sorry!

    However, i live in Australia and have done case studies on the Murray Darling Basin and i think i know what you want.

    The way in which the Murray Darling Basin is being misused is people overusing water in the basin. Water is scarce in the Murray Darling and it is being overused by farmers, residents etc.

    This extract from wikipedia should help you:

    "In April 2007 the Australian prime minister announced that the region was facing an "unprecedentedly dangerous" water shortage and that water might have to be reserved for "critical urban" water supplies.[4] He commented that "We should all pray for rain because the situation for the farmers of Australia in the irrigation area, the Murray-Darling Basin, is critical" amid concerns about the impact of the drought on Australian agriculture.[5]

    The Federal Government proposed a $10 billion Commonwealth take-over of the Murray-Darling Basin, arguing that effective management could not be undertaken by competing state governments. While the states of New South Wales, Queensland and South Australia as well as the Australian Capital Territory accepted the proposal, the state of Victoria refused to co-operate, arguing that its irrigators would be disadvantaged. The Victorian Farmers Federation, however, has since backed the Federal Government's plan.[6]

    In July the Federal Government said that in the absence of co-operation from all states it would legislate to achieve a federal take-over[7], but the Victorian Government has declared that it would challenge this in the High Court.

    Legislation to create the Murray-Darling Basin Authority was introduced into Federal Parliament and was passed in both the House of Representatives and the Senate in August 2007.[8]

    On 26 March 2008, at the Council of Australian Governments meeting, Premier John Brumby indicated that the Victorian government would participate in the program, in return for $1 billion to upgrade irrigation and continue water security for farmers.[9]"

    That shows how water is overused.

    Also, much of the river has been irrigated resulting in salinity problems in the river. Just search it up, this site might help.

    Hope i have helped you

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