
How is the Qu'ran a miracle?

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No no I don't want a link to any website, especially a document that may infect my computer.

If it's a miracle, then please explain why




  1. When the revelation of the Qur'an commenced in 622 A.D., it was a linguistic miracle. The Qur'an has a challenge in it. The challenge is for anybody to produce some thing like or similar to the Qur'an.

    This challenge was present in the Qur'an in (Chap 17 : 88) which is translated as follows:

    " Say: If the whole of mankind and Jinn were together to produce the like of this Qur'an, they could not produce the like thereof, even if they back up each other with help and support."

    Years passed and nobody was able to meet the challenge. Later (after several years) the challenge in the Qur'an was eased asking for anyone to produce even ten Suras like those in it. This was in the Quran in ( Chap 11 : 13 )which is translated as follows:

    " or they may say, "He forged it" Say, "Bring ye then ten Suras forged, like unto it, and call (to your aid) whomsoever ye can, other than Allah! If ye speak the truth"

    Again years passed and nobody was able to successfully meet the challenge. Later the challenge was eased for the second time to produce one Sura like or similar to the Suras in the Qur'an. The challenge (to anyone) to produce one Sura was presented in the Qur'an in more than a Sura, one of them was in (Chap2:23) which is translated as follows:

    "And if ye are in doubt as to what We have revealed from time to time to Our servant, then produce a Sura like thereunto; and call your witnesses or helpers besides Allah, if what you say is true."

    Since then, more than fourteen hundred years have passed, and nobody has been able to meet the challenge, and nobody will, because the Qur'an is the only existing book containing the word of Allah which no man can match or imitate. The most eloquent people in the Arabic language spent years going over and searching the Qur'an, trying to find any weak or inadequate word or sentence, but they could not. They even went further, trying to find a way to substitute a word or a sentence in the Qur'an, hoping to convey a similar meaning as the original one, but they failed to do so.

    As a result of this, many people, especially linguists, throughout the last fourteen hundred years believed in the Qur'an as a revelation beyond any human capacity.

  2. It isn't.

  3. Read all article on the following site  and  hen you will know what are the miracles of Quran  if you really want to know:

  4. Subhanallah Quran is the greatest miracle.

    1-this book was revealed 1429 years ago and has not been changed till today.the first Quran (that was made  in the form of a book during the time of Abu Bakkar) is still present.the Arabic language of the Quran is still present unlike the hebrew and sanskrit.(i know sanskrit is still present but very little of it is there, the language is changed)

    2-it's a complete way of life.

    3-there are no contridictions in the Quraan.

    4-there are no mistakes in the Quraan.

    5-go through the verses that speak about science. they are completely correct. how could an illiterate write things that was not prove 1429 years ago so very accurately?

    6-it is the only book that provides a method for the disbelievers to proove it wrong.that is it says ask the disbelievers to make atleast 1 verse that has the beauty and weight of the smallest verse of the Quraan.the verse should be of your own don;t take an aaya and translate it into english! make a verse that is not coppied from any of the Holy books of any religion.  try to make a verse similar to the verse of the Holy Book. you'll fail to do so.

    7-have you ever been to mysore palace in india? in it there's a Quran that was written on paper by the ruler and the entire paper is eaten up by the insects but the words of the Quraan are preserved. the insects ate every thing but left out the words (it is written in arabic which has many dots ) even the space b/ the letter and dots are eaten but the dot and the letter is not!

    no matter what people do to prove Quran wrong it's impossible.

  5. well u just showed your arrogance by producing a surah in English lol.  The translation doesn't even justify the words of the Quran.  

  6. well people who are not knowledgable about it will make comments like the above....

    The Quran is a "living message"... We muslims believe 4 prophets (among the thousands that were sent) were sent with books.. Moses-torah, David-psalms, Jesus-bible, and Mohammed-Quran... But for some reason.. the other prophets didnt preserve their messages in book form to be preserved or proofread the message during their time to make sure of its accuracy.. As you well know in the bible, its only a small collection of a few books that the kings selected.. there were thousands of religous books during the biblical times.. King James and a group sat down and voted on which few would be compiled in the modern bible and threw out the rest.. What if the ones threw out were the better viewpoints? We will never know... So its not complete. and the bible is all books written by followers, not by Jesus himself..

    I am not here to say its bad.. As a muslim we believe in all the prophets and their original unaltered, untouched message.. What those are, we dont know now.. So God decided to make sure for the last time to preserve his message.. He also chose a prophet that didnt know how to read or write to make sure no one would say the prophet wrote it or alter it.. As the angel Gabriel brought the message from God to Mohammed, he had his followers recite it word for word to make sure they knew it and recited it exactly as it was said to him.. and they wrote these down.. God told Mohammed this time he would protect it from alteration. The Quran now is the exact words it was 1500 years ago as given to Mohammed.. Also since Mohammed was not a scientist, doctor, astrologist, etc.. There are scientific facts in the Quran that no one would have known 1500 years ago.. but have completely complemented science now and proven accurate.. Who could know this but  God? No human would have.. This and many more circumstances surrounding the Quran makes it a miracle...  

  7. It's not!  It's a barbaric book full of mistakes, that teaches that the Earth is flat.  LOL................

  8. it is valid for all times and places in its commands and teachings forever, the miracle of our prophet Muhammad (pbuh)


    actually your trials are just in vain, anyone can give a wrong translation or a simple edition, could you compose it in Arabic?

    well the masters of languages failed to do it, and Allah (swt) challenged both human and Satans beings to compose at least 1 verse, and they failed.

  9. i can't find in Quran where god describe his book as miracle, it's simply the word of god

  10. yes koran is a miracle.

  11. May Peace Mercy and Blessings of Allah(swt) be on all of you.

    Please watch the link below ''Is The Quran God's Word''?. In which its scientifically proven that Quran is the word og God by showing the miraculous signs of this amaizing word of God Almighty. There are more then a thousand verses in the Glorious Quran which speaks about scientific facts that could nto have been known to a human kind 1400 years ago. and Quran mentions it .

    All the details are given in the video link below.

    May Peace Mercy and Blessings of Allah(swt) be on all of you.

  12. Yes Quran is a miracle, because when it was send to the world there were very less Muslims in the world and there was a great number of Non Muslims, How Quran is protected, How it comes to us? Its a Magic or anything else? No No it is one and only ALLAH who protects. It is proved that Quran is a miracle.

  13. O men, a similitude is set forth, so listen to it. Surely those on whom you call upon instead of Allah cannot create even a fly, though they should all combine together for the purpose. And if the fly should snatch away anything from them, they cannot recover it therefrom. Weak, indeed, are both the seeker and the sought. (Quran 22:73)

    This verse alone should prove to you and the rest of the world, are a man or woman of similitude, if you are, then how can you deny.


    It is same through out the world.

    It has not be changed.

    It compels the modern science.

    Its the way to life.

  15. because it's a complete way of life?

  16. it's a miracle that so many people are deluded enough to believe it.

  17. when i read the quran i reverted its so logical and the way of life, it says how to handle situations. the quran teaches to care for your muslim brothers and sisters more then worshiping. allah ask that we be good to help others.  its they was of life that it even says how to go to the bathroom, meaning cleaning yourself with water

  18. Quran its self is a Mircle,

    Coz The bible and other books are Corrupted But Quran Is not Currapted and not changed and it wont be also Coz Allah him self is Protecting the Holly Quran,,,

    If your a man and your religion is not fake ......

    Change a dot of Holly Quran.

    By a Dot All the meaning of Holly Quran Changes.

    So you cant chage its the mircle

    Anything Else?

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