
How is the SAT II Biology test different than the Ap Biology test??

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Easier? Harder? same?

i took the Ap biology test and it was HARD! i plan to take the sat 2 for bio but i dont know how similar to the ap test it is. Does it involve labs like the AP Bio test?




  1. I completely agree with Yankee! I took the SAT ii bio on June 7 and I took the Bio AP test before that. On the SAT ii I got a 790 out of 800 (very good score). All I did to prepare fo that was read the important chapters in the Barron's book over again. Well, skim them. And I did it on the night before the SAT ii bio. When I took the actual test it was a breeze! I knew the answers to all the questions! And there isn't nearly as much botany as in the AP bio test. Yes, there are a few labs, but they're pretty easy. for example molecular got the dialysis lab. oh, and know about blood and stuff like that. you might need to know an organ system so study them! and you have to read some charts but if you take the Ecology one instead of molecular they're really straightforward

    I personally took molecular ( even though it is supposedly harder) because I knew that my teacher covered more on that and I knew more about it. Most people take ecology, but i say take the one you know more about and you'll get a great score.

    What REALLY helped me a lot was sparknotes practice sat ii bio tests. if you don't know how to get there just email me at you get 1 free practice test per email account. just make 5 different email accounts and take them all for free :) or pay 14.99 for them

    For the AP Bio test I studied so hard but I'm really uncertain about what score I got! I still want a 5 but I'm not sure if it's possible now...

    My actual school biology class was pretty useless in that we only covered 8 of the 50 chapters in the book. Therefore we didn't know much from that. I started going to a tutor 1.5 months before the test and it helped A LOTon the AP bio test. If I didn't go to him I'm not sure if I would have even passed. Also, I got a Barron's AP Bio study guide which helped considerably.

  2. The SAT II test is nowhere near as hard as the AP test. I actually didn't take the AP test, but I heard from my friends who are smarter than me that it was extremely difficult. My friends who got 4s and 5s on US History and English Language and Comp got 2s and 3s on the AP Bio. You really need to complete the AP Bio class to do well on the test. On the other hand, you only really need to complete an Honors Bio class to do well on the SAT II. You do need to study a little bit, but any Honors student who gets high Bs and As can get a 700 on the SAT II exam easily. You may want to review the SAT II review book though, because your AP class was probably so far advanced that you may forget some of the simple concepts of the SAT II exam. And the SAT II does not involve any lab work. Good luck if you take it.

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