
How is the Sun like the Truth?

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A simile is when you compare two unlike things. How can the truth be like the sun? What could be compared to truth and why?




  1. in the light of day the shadows disappear and the truth emerges.  

  2. This question is not about Astronomy which is the topic for this section of Answers.

  3. Because it can be as different as the eyes that see it. To some a god, others a ball of hydrogen, a cause of skin cancer or a "cure for seasonal affective disorder. To name a few ;)

    The fact that you have dissimilar answers here supports that. Everyones

    truth" is subjective, like their impression of the sun.

  4. uhhh...

    Well the Sun generates light and because of light we can see.  Because we can see, we know the truth.

  5. Interesting question. In Greek mythology, the sun (Helios) knows everything that goes on down here on earth. The sun sees everything. Whenever Zeus wanted to know what happened here and there, he would ask Helios. "Everything under the sun" is a good metaphor.

  6. nobody lies like a politician.

    if you shine a light on a room full of cockroaches, they all scatter.

    same thing for a room full of politicians.

    so, truth and light are the same.  

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