
How is the US president the most ........?

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Powerful man (or woman) in the world , it said on an advert . How is this true ?




  1. they have the ability to meddle in more countries' businesses than any other president. its a fact!

  2. That officer behind him with the briefcase handcuffed to his arm.  That is called the "football" and it has the nuclear launch codes in it.  Any other questions?

  3. Because Chuck Norris is president

  4. The US is the wealthiest nation.

  5. this is no longer the case the dollar has lost the U.S. presidency  this title  

  6. If I were you, I would be more concerned about V. Putin. As of right now I think we are all waiting to see what he is going to do. We have been running around the desert for years getting blown to bits, Russia crushed Georgia in a matter of days.

  7. i understand how this could be explained, however the current president (bush) has the mental capability of a poorly trained chimp, Obama would be best 4 every1

  8. Nah, like most US bullshite like the "Super"Bowl or "World" Series, don't start me on the "Dream Team". It's just media hyperbole that the Americans like to be drawn into. It fits in with their "We're the greatest country in the world", and their "If you hate the USA then leave" mentality.

    The USA can be a powerful nation however the POTUS is most certainly no the most powerful man in the world.

  9. US has more money than any other country

    US has more military capabilities than any other country

    US has the biggest businesses than any other country

    US (did) have a strong economoy

    Thus, the US is one of the most powerful countries

    THUS, the man who controls the most powerful country is the most powerful man in the world.


  10. It usually  says leader of the free world. and probably has been true for some time, because US has had the biggest economy and more firepower than anyone else. However that is about to change.  

  11. because we kick *** and take names later.

    and think later for that matter... lol.

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