
How is the Westboro Baptist Church not the most pure christian sect?

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Having watched those revolting people spout their hate on TV, I got to thinking

They actually DO follow the bible, they aren't just making it up

They got their rules from their little book and are trying with all their might to show people the way to heaven

-- Less fundamental christian sects (who are a-ok with gayness, divorce, whatever) are pretty much "pretend christians" who only apply the books of the bible which suit them to their everyday lives

So shouldn't these awful people be something to aspire to as a Christian? - They are doing it right so far as I can tell


I think the phelps and their sect are foul little animals preaching hate and blah blah don't bash on me for asking this question :3




  1. there is no pure christian sect. I personally think that the westboro baptist are a disgrace to Christianity and if anything they make the world a worse place. and christianity does not call for the death of anyone. its about doing the right thing. it isn't about a bunch of crazy people strictly following a book. and God isn't some voice in the sky that commands outrageous things for us to do. all that we are supposed to do by God are the things that are right for us to do anyway. Love people, help people, don't judge or hurt people. I don't see anything wrong with that and that's why its my religion. I will never bash on another religion because that isn't right. Christianity does not say horrible things about other religion. I hate how people assume that everyone who believes in God is some horrible crazy bible throwing psycho who tries to force their beliefs on every one around them. Personally I don't care what religion you associate yourself with. its your choice. and even if your not a Christian, if you believe in a god, or whatever you want to call him, then i think that's wonderful and i am happy. because god is god, and jesus is jesus. no matter what you call him or what religion you worship him through.

  2. If you read the bible, and most people dont (despite what they would have you think) you will find its actually a repulsive book that calls for the deaths of millions of innocent americans.

    I have found several helpful videos on youtube that explain is a very calm logical educated persons point of view on christianity and why its dangerous and why those people who believe in an imaginary man, wether it be jesus, or santa clause, are delusional.

  3. Yes, they follow the bible...but they only follow the parts that suit their agendas. This group is the WORST representation of the Christian faith. Their demonstrations have NOTHING to do with any word of any god, nor do they have anyones interest in mind. They are true attention seekers and do things for themselves and only for themselves.

    And I don't bash you for asking this question...I bash this group for their hate and hope they end up in the h**l they so fear.

  4. Jesus' ministry had a very simple message at its core:  love your neighbor as you love yourself.  Spewing hate was not part of the program.

  5. I thought if you were a true Christian you were not supposed to judge others.  Yet most of the questions and answers deal with either bashing anther's Religion or condemning those who do not believe as they do.  No wonder we are seeing so many young individuals turning away from organized Religion.  I don't believe they are turning away from God, these compassionate and understanding young men and women are turning away from the people who profess to be Christians while at the same time, they are spouting bigotry and narrow-mindedness instead of compassion and understanding.  I consider myself a Christian with certain faults which I am attempting to overcome.

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