
How is the best way to grow mint?

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where is the best spot for growing mint.

The pot I have just has very scraggy mint growing.

there is not very much sun where it is.




  1. Semi-shade. Not too wet. I say this because these are the conditions I have and my mint grows like crazy.

    Be careful though, mint spreads. I've never grown it in a pot.  

  2. I would definitely keep it in a pot.  Mint is pretty invasive and difficult to get rid of.

  3. put it in a pot otherwise it just spreads everywhere.

  4. First give it a good prune, almost right to the base of the branches. Repot it with new potting mix if its been in the pot for a while and try to put in a spot that gets sun for half the day.

  5. Mint grows like a rumour, fast. If it's not doing well in it's current pot just change the soil and give it some sun.

    If you put it in the garden be prepared for it to run riot.

  6. Do not let it flower if you plan to use the leaves.

    As mentioned by others, mint is invasive.  If you plant it in the ground, you will find it everywhere within a year or two.  It produces runners underground, and can choke out other plants it is so aggressive. It should also be noted that once it has been established, it is hard to get rid of it!

    Since you have it in a pot, give it a good trimming so that it is not leggy, the more you use it, the more it will fill out for you.

    1/2 day sun, moderate watering.... feed regularly with natural fertilizer.

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