
How is the best way to tell old people they smell?

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without being rude. And don't suggest cologne because they like the cheap stuff and that makes them smell worse. How DO you get rid of old people smell???




  1. You don't tell them. Just mind your manners and be quiet. They have lived a long life and have every right to smell as they please.

  2. There is no way to do this politely, so just don't.  And as to older people going for cheap cologne, that's not entirely true.  I'm an old dude and I only go for the first rate stuff.  No crappy smells here.  Also, remember that all old people do not smell.  You gotta be careful about making generalized statements about groups of people since you don't want to be spreading or reinforcing stereotypes.  Yes, stereotypes do exist in real life but they are in the vast minority within their groups.  To think that all old people smell makes as much sense as thinking that all Jews have big noses or all Irishmen are drunkards.

  3. I guess the same way you tell young people they smell.  And don't suggest cologne because they like the cheap stuff and it makes them smell worse.  How do you get rid of young people who smell?  Silly question.

  4. Old people do care how they smell, to the person who said they don't.  There may be a medical problem for the reason they might smell.  They may have difficulty holding their urine, they may not have someone who can help them bathe if they need it, like getting in and out of the tub.  There can be many reasons, if you are close to this person perhaps you could have a subtle conversation or ask are you having trouble taking a bath in the tub ?  You might find out a lot just by a little conversation.  Remember older people are proud and find it hard to admit they have problems and don't want to be a burden.  First and foremost have some compassion, we will all be there one day whether it be from age or God forbid a horrible accident that leaves us incapacitated and unable to care for ourselves.

  5. maybe theyre scared of slipping in the tub. maybe its hard for them to gety in and out of the tub. just deal with it and dont hurt their feelings.

  6. beat around the bush and just give them some cologne or deodorant and tell them that its what people used right now and it will make you feel more comfortable

  7. Jokingly mention it. Maybe they'll get the point.

  8. There is no best way.  There can be many causes for this and, surprisingly, some medications can be responsible.  Some older people realize they're not as steady on their feet as they used to be (many, many, medications cause lightheadedness) so are fearful of stepping into a bathtub which doesn't have adequate safety bars and having arthritis causes concern that they'll be unable to get out of the tub without some help..  A shower is easier to access but, again, the safety bar issue and necessity for a seat.

    If this person is a relative, I would bring up the subject of safety in the home and ask if they have noticed, since they've become older, that they now 'think twice' about getting on the highest step of a ladder (you could say you've always been a bit afraid to do this!).  You might, also, ask if any of their friends use long tongs to get things down from the higher shelves of cabinets and whether, or not, they've ever felt these would be nice to have, once in a while.  If they say, Yes, ask if you could make this their birthday or Christmas gift.  There are ways to learn things, via conversations, so be observant.   And - lastly, I'm an old person whose shower is extra-large with a built-in seat and my favourite perfume is Oscar (which you won't find at your local drug-store).

  9. there is no way- they dont care.

  10. Ignore it. Seriously, stop making a big deal out of nothing and remember, one day you'll be old too.

  11. Be respectful and say nothing, they get forgetful in their old age and sometimes don't bathe as often as they should.  

  12. TROLL!

  13. Personally, I would like it if people would just be honest with me if I smell because I do the very best I can to shower daily, brush/floss/Listerine several times a day, and put deodorant on as well as wash my clothes but if I smelled then I would want someone to just come to me and say you sort of smell funny ~ like whatever ~ moth balls or whatever

    I would respect the fact that they came to me to help me out as well as the rest of the society.

    I don't want people to think I stink

  14. I would buy them a present and give it to them subtly. Like a nice perfume, all beautifully wrapped. Say you're just in a happy mood and since something good happened to you, you felt like buying a present.

    And if it's not someone you're close too ( like if it's not your grandfather) then just casually take out a packet of breath mints and offer them one, while taking one yourself.

  15. Just tell them privately that they kind of smell.

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