
How is the campaign for Ethanol and other alternative fuels financed?

by Guest66590  |  earlier

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Is it financed using tax dollars...private interest groups...need some help here.




  1. The ethanol industry is highly subsidized by the taxpayer.

    On top of that if the entire U.S. farming community did nothing but plant corn for ethanol we could only produce enough ethanol to cover about 5-10% of our energy supply.  Ethanol also does not produce as much energy as gasoline made from oil.  Ethanol is a poor energy source that costs a lot to produce and has little upside in the long term.

    The agricultural community lobby's hard for government assistance and tax breaks.  Many politicians are in the back pocket of "big ethanol".

    If ethanol had to compete on a fair playing field it would cost about double what a normal gallon of gas costs.  It simply can not stand on its' own.

    Ethanol is nothing more than something that is being used for short term political & monetary gain by a few people.

    Check with your local state & contact your federal representative to see how much "big ethanol" is getting in tax breaks and straight subsidies.  Of course, good luck getting clear answers, you will have to dig a bit to get the truth.

  2. Like everything with "global warming", it's about massive taxing of the public to support corporate welfare.

  3. Largely by the producers of fuel grade ethanol and by corn farmers.

  4. The digest of the fuel system is this fact.  Reduction of

        pollutants because of the insidious information that the

        domestication of dogs, and wilder animals is dangerous.

        With the use of 4 jeeps, trucks or autos at the national

        peace corps reservation of important united nations dairy

        animals the natural predators lions, dogs and some sea

         lions did not ever have attacks on people.  With 2 vehicles

        above their criteria there have been 15 deaths.  The finance of fuel studies is arranged in the United Nations with

       over 3000 full time scholarships in research.  These students will go directly to the peace corps operating the

       protection of allied troops through the Red Cross if they

       obey the natural updated facts of endangering livestock.

       The animals need management to keep clean, and when

       one considers that over 40 million domestic livestock have

        methane fuel indigestion every day, the process is not one

       of fuel economy but of cleaning the barn sites.  This is now

      done with major machinery designed to operate in process

       using spoiled methanes to upgrade 3 variaties.  Ethanols,

        Neckronals, and nitrogenousals.  The last two now have a

       totally different engine predesigned to be low pollution.

       Their operating cost will become attractive as the oil, gas

       prices stay higher.  This financing is presently from donate

       fund of the Roman Empire committee 80% that is the

       catholic church for the peace corps.  15% from the fuel

       Royal office of the Emirates, and 5% from investors.


  5. Private interest groups petition the government and win healthy subsidies for their ethanol. Archer-Daniels-Midland Corp. is the primary conglomerate behind the ethanol lobby. Here is a very good report about ADM and the politics behind the ethanol lobby. It is a little old but still accurate.

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