
How is the declaring of who is a war criminal and deciding who to bring to justice a farce...considering??

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who really does the most damage in the world we live in??




  1. It is A complicated case, But whenever a War takes place Mostly Everybody is aware of it. No body can declare a sudden war.

    You know what I'm sayin?... A war in nowdays can't be a sudden it is declared a month or atleast a week before. I AM TALKING ABOUT A WAR BETWEEN 2 Or MORE COUNTRIES.

    For Instance you can see the war that BUSH declared to attack on IRAQ.


    PEACE FRIEND!  please war is hectic it is just distructive and PAINFUL.

  2. Unless we bring Clinton uo on charges for his crimes i dont see what the point is. We must kill those who would kill us. a hard, simple, but cold fact.

  3. The most damage is being done my Islamic terrorist.

    The USA Stands for Truth and justice. The Islamic terrorist stand for murder and chaos?

  4. Yes, it's a true farce in this particular war because war crime is defined under the Geneva Conventions which Bush uses to define war criminals.  However, if Bush were to actually follow the conventions that would make the US the biggest war criminal out there.

    America does, by far, the worst overall damage to sovereign societies and has done so since before WWll.

  5. The problem with International Courts is that all nations would have to be bound by their decisions. The United States flatly refuses to surrender that much of its sovereignty to an international body and prefers to handle its 'problems' in-house. Sadly, more and more we are not perceived to be 'just'. Being and American, it saddens me to think of how much respect and good will we've squandered. On the other hand there's enough blood to go around...

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