
How is the economy of Final Fantasy XI online messed up?

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I have heard how people have been talking about how the "economy" of FFXI Online is messed up. I dont get this, it isn't real life, its not like the game monitors or whoever can't fix it. I just don't get it how the economy is "messed up" if its not even real. Someone please help me on this




  1. True that this is not real life. However people are on this game 24 hours a day. And other than maintenance, the servers don't shut down. When people say that the game economy is messed up, they mean that inflation is up. Or a piece of gear that should only be worth 100 is selling for 10000. Example. 3 years ago, you could get a teleport for 500gil to any normal crag. Outland ports were 1000gil. now its 2000 for all.  RMT(Real Money Traders) have flooded the markets with so much of one item that it drastically lowers the price of  that object because they underbid (sell for less) the other people selling.

    Then there are the people who actually pay real money to these RMT and in return they are given a large sum of game money. These are the people who raise the prices on misc items. They want the item so bad that they over pay and so the price starts to hover around that price making it cost more than its actually worth.

    That's what is meant by the economy being messed up. Sorry for the book, but i thought the others were to vague

  2. The economy of ffxi used to be over inflated due to real money traders (gold farmers). FFXI fixed this a while ago and actively pursues and bans real money traders still.

  3. the entire economy is player contolled, mainly by the auction house where players buy and sell their items. RMT (real money trading) has been a problem where people accumulate large amounts of gil and sell it for real money. this causes inflation or deflation.  

  4. well i have not heard any thing about it not intill i just came to this question number one i don't see any thing messed up with the game are nothing wrong with it at all ever stop listening to got to remember one thing in life ok people can fill your head up with just about any thing every day but if you did not hear it then how do you your self know it is true are not if you hear it for your self then you know that it is true people now aday are so full of them self they will make you believe any thing   :)ava06  

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