
How is the first day of school

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I'm going into 8th grade and i was home-schooled my whole life .I'mIm a lady killer just for your info.How hard is it to make friends what's like in the cafetiere.How long to i have to wait to ask a girl out.




  1.       Awwwh man you are going to get slaughtered. No jk but I wouldn't tell anyone I was home schooled at first if I was you. No offense but kids in my area see home schooled kids as freaks who love their moms way too much. I'm sure that's not you, it's just a stereotype.

         Wear nice clothes (i.e. jeans, black t shirt, DC/Vans, etc). Ok so try to be charming and outgoing on the first day, introduce yourself to the people you sit next to. Try to look for nice people who you can sit with at lunch and talk to them. Some kids in middle school will think of you badly, but who really cares what they think. Try to get on the teachers good side on the first day, first impressions are key with middle school teachers. All of them play favorites, and it's great to be in that group. When break rolls around, just try to chill for a few minutes and start walking towards your next class. Also in PE, do NOT look at anything besides your own clothes and locker. If you look anywhere else, you'll be called a thousand different names by the other guys (all related to homo). In PE especially, you either have to be a star athlete or huge suck up to get an A. Lunch- Buy your lunch, and look for someone who maybe is in one of your classes (remember what I said earlier). The rest of the day should be pretty easy. Oh and I would go to your school before the first day and get 3 maps of it. One for keeping in your pocket, one to put in your binder, and another one just in case. Also check if they have a website, it will tell you when you get schedules.

          It's really hard to tell you all you need to know about school. A lot of the stuff I know is things I consider common sense, that you may or may not. Some might disagree with me becuase they don't want you to be all scared.

          About girls, it really depends on the situation. I would wait 1-2 months to at least get to know a girl. Idk, in this age bracket, bf/gfs are  pretty much just for show.  

  2. so it's a boring day but after everything will be ok and sometimes great!

  3. well its really easy to make friends. just hang out with some people and tell them your name.  The lunch room you can talk to people. the first day might be hard.  since your going to middle school you have to change classes every 45min or so. you might want to ask someone out when you feel you know the school well and have friends. hope this helps. :D

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