
How is the government holding back the potential leaders of America?

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i am writting an essay and i am arguing that the society is holding back the future problem solvers of this country through corruption, but how does the government do that?




  1. The threshold for running for public office limits any and all potential future politicians.  Either you must be a millionaire already with deep pockets, or you are an insider with sufficient influence to garner support from the lobby's.  Either way, it limits the good guy down the street.

    Further, the political vetting process by the media .....who in their right mind would subject themselves to being scrutinized by the person they took to prom  20 years ago showing up on NightLine or Larry King talking about how their date threw up in the limo....

  2. Generally speaking, you could argue that government as a rule holds people back from realizing their full potential.  The more powerful or more far-reaching the governance, the less individuals are able to grow and prosper.

    This can be seen in some of the stories coming from China during the Olympics.  When the government controls everything, people are useful only for making the government look good.  The story of the seven-year old girl whose great voice was exploited by the Chinese government, while she was kept out of the opening ceremony because she was seen as "too ugly."  Tell me the government is not holding her back from realizing her potential.  The American government can do similar things, but generally on a lesser scale.

    Also, you could also argue that taxation, particularly taxes on productivity, such as the income tax, hold people back.  Income taxes provide a dis-incentive for earning income, since the more you make, the more you are taxed.

    Just a few ideas to build on.  Hope this helps.

  3. if you dont focus on corruption you could do no child left behind (excellent students underfunded.), cost of college...

    If you stick with corruption you could talk about how moral compromises must be made to get heard in our nation (look up evidence on how $ wins primary elections)

  4. The problem is the two major parties.  In order to be an acceptable candidate, you have to follow the party line rather than think your own thoughts.  This results in mediocre candidates with little to offer.

    Only someone with a bankroll like Ross Perot could run as anything other than as a Democrat or Republican and get any sort of significant vote.

    Too bad Daddy Warbucks doesn't run on the Leaping Lizard ticket.

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