
How is the hijab hiding your beauty?

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Hijab only covers your hair, and isn't your beauty on your face? So how are you hiding it?




  1. It's not only the hair that the hijab covers, the neck, chest is also covered. And a muslim women isn't suppose to wear clothing showing off her skin or curves/shape, like legs, hips, waist, shoulders. Image famous female pop stars wearing that type of attire, like Rihanna, Britney. They're "s**y" appearance would diminish, trust me. Oh and the face isn't the most beautiful part of a women, it's her curves, and the hair enhances bbeauty A women with mess hair, or no hair is somewhat less desirable then one with lovey, nice hair (have many male friends to prove this). A women faces aren't, sometimes, as bbeautifulwithout makeup, than with. So if you don't what the beautiful of a women to show then I guess not wearing makeup with decrease it.

  2. hijab doesnt just cover your hair. it covers your body. your long sleeves, your loose fitted clothes are also considered "hijab." Our faces are our identity. They are not sexual, like your bosom or 0.7 waist-to-hip ratio.

    we are suppose to have some sort of femininity anyway.

  3. Exactly the face is the the main point of attraction, well my opinion anyway that is why I cover amongst other reason's as believe it is an obligation. But even having said that beauty can be defined in many ways, for some people it is the way one dresses and how she appears, to others it is the level of faith and obedience to Allah ;)

  4. Well, I have saw many women without hijab and wow mashAllah they are stunning more so then most women you see anywhere and with their hijab they just look like a normal woman, thats the differance and why!

    Also, Allah commands this!

    It is not fitting for a believer, man or woman, when a matter has been decided by Allah and His Apostle, to have any option about their decision: if any one disobeys Allah and His Apostle, he is indeed on a clearly wrong path. [Surat-ul-Ahzab (33-36)]

  5. your hair enhances the beauty of your face,certain styles frame the face making it stand out more,by "hiding" your hair you're in turn "hiding" some of your potential beauty.

  6. well ur face is part of ur beauty but not all of it

    ur hair makes u look more beautiful

    especially when u make hairstyles

    and it can also be attractive

  7. well yes i have a beautiful face....many hijabis do as well..but a girl will look more "attractive" if shes not wearing in the hairstyles and stuff....

  8. Along with your hair you cover your bosoms...which men are easily attracted to...sometimes more than your face.

  9. Thats why some women wear burka and niqab. Hijab isn't only covering your hair, it's dressing modestly and wearing loose clothing.

    Btw, Your hair adds alot of beauty to your face.

  10. you should dress modestly so no evil eyes will provoke you

    it's not hiding your beauty.. true beauty is your inner personality

  11. Its enhances it.  

  12. hijab is beauty  how beauty cover beauty

  13. hijab doesn't just cover your hair, it covers the whole's about modesty integrity and degnity

  14. Women get harassed whether they wear the hijab or not, so i really see no point. it doesnt hide your beauty, it doesnt enhance. its just a pagan  desert tradition that was adapted into islam so more pagans would convert!!!

    I know im gonna get thumbs down but oh well. thats the truth. peace

  15. no. hijab isnt only covering your hair. you also have to cover the rest of your body remember.

  16. Not really.

    Cute hairstyles make all girls look beautiful.

    Hair is one of the 'natural ornaments' that the Quran asks you to cover.

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