
How is the jobs and the crime rate in Liverpool?

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I was thinking of relocating to Liverpool, or some place in England and was trying to find a nice area to move to.




  1. scousers will tell you its very rough but it isn't if you compare it to london,birmingham & for finding work,good luck!

  2. if your serious about moving to the Uk, i would just stay away from any of the major cities, as they are rife with poverty, anti social-behaviour, vandalism, muggings, stabbings, and lots of violent attacks.

    i grew up near one of the Major Cities, Manchester, and even though i was on the outskirts of the city, it wasn't very nice, it was rough, dirty, polluted and violent

    i finally got to move away from the city a few years back, to a small village in commuting distance of the cities, and even though Anti-Scoial behaviour is still about ( A major problem throughout the Uk, with the youth of today, which you will find everywhere ) it's alot safer here, even if i did get stabbed in the local park :-(

    as far as jobs are concerned, well there isn't that many about, there are about 5 million Britons unemployed, and not all by choice, there is just a lack of jobs unfortunatley, throughout most of the country

    if it sounds like i'm trying to paint a grim picture of the Uk, i'm really not, certain parts of it can be quite horrendous to live in, and if you don't have a lot of money, the UK is not a very nice place to live, and with the lack of jobs for people and the incredibly high living costs, we are not in a great situation at the moment.

    i don't know if you have ever been to the UK, if not, i suggest you take a trip here, because any pre concieved ideas you have of this country will be changed dramatically

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