
How is the life in britain?

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How is the life in britain?




  1. fine

  2. pretty happy. today its sunny and ive just finished all my exams. hoorah!

  3. part british!! ^^ i have never been there but i'm planning to. i heard it sounds good so yeah ^^

  4. Wonderful thanks, if you take away the price of petrol, the fact people are turning into feral thugs, that the price of living has increased yet our pay doesn't, that footballers get more respect than our firefighters or police ever will do. Apart from that - great country!

  5. i like it

  6. its good, but when in rome

  7. I can only echo Keeley..

    and maybe mention we are getting over run with foreign immigrants who we treat better than our own people..on arrival we shower them with local authority housing ,which we furnish,bus passes,family allowance ,free health/dental care,and a nice cheque at the end of each week..

    Other than that things are super.

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