
How is the need for early childhood teachers expected to change?

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How is the need for early childhood teachers expected to change?




  1. we cant change things unless we look at the big picture.  teachers dotn get enough pay and our economy sucks right now so what we need is people who are willing to work for nest to nothing. unfortunatley those types are far and few so we need a better economy and ahigher understanding of a childs needs early on

  2. With two parents working the need for childcare teachers will continue to go up.

  3. I'm pretty sure that the need will go down, because many people are interested in that area.  What's needed now are teachers for older children (middle and high school).

  4. The need is already high, especially for qualified staff. The pay for these people is not high enough to entice a lot of people to go into that line of work, even though it can be a great job.

  5. If universal pre-k goes into effect in all states you will probably see a rise in the need for teachers with degrees in ECE.

  6. There has been a push to require ALL early childhood educators to be licensed like "real" teachers, if this happens the need will sky rocket.

    However as being as under paid as we are, more families needing more than one income, and keeping in mind the "burn out rate", There will always be a large need for early childhood educators.

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