
How is the nightlife in Ulm, Germany, the birthplace of Einstein? Are there many blacks there b/c I am black?

by Guest62572  |  earlier

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I need to know if a twenty something year old black many will have a good time in Ulm, Germany? Will he feel isolated or is there a good blend of culture in Ulm? I am not looking for all black, but certainly not looking for all white. And, yes, I know, it is Germany after all, but what about Ulm? Gimme the lowdown.




  1. there is achualy lots of blacks if you know where to find them.

  2. I think the Germans had mostly bad experiences with BLK GI's...but they are many Africans...Frankfurt is the most International City in Germany, Berlin is ok too...never mind what they think, just go and have a good time...

  3. There are almost NO blacks. Night life is kinda slow compared to the bigger cities in Germany.

  4. German 91.5%, Turkish 2.4%, other 6.1% (made up largely of Greek, Italian, Polish, Russian, Serbo-Croatian, Spanish)(racial make up of Germany)

    Very few...  sorry, the vast majority of my people won't live in a place that has long cool/cold seasons and rainy. ... I live in Canada and I hear those responses a lot.

  5. There are tons of soccer punks in germany cause of the world cup now.  I heard they are targeting africans.  Keep that in mind.

  6. i live in germany and if you're a guy, i can tell ya that german chicks love black guys.  no joke.  also, many germans are very nice people but you'll have your share of jerks just like anywhere else in the world.  as far as i know, i think ulm is a pretty small town.  i was going to visit it once......try googling it.  the house where einstein lived in is no longer there.  i think they replaced it with a fountain.

  7. I lived in Germany for five years. Most Germans won't talk to a stranger in a bar, and especially not a black one. Most foreigners in German end up feeling pretty isolated because broadly speaking the Germans are just not open and friendly by nature. This is coming from almost five years experience of living there. Und es ist auch egal, ob man die Sprache kann oder nicht. Die Deutschen sind gegenüber Ausländern einfach sehr verschlossen und erst recht gegenüber Dunkelhäutigen.

  8. I think you will be like Tiger Woods at the Masters.

  9. I live in Germany.  I don't find them to be racist, and there seems to be a good mix of different races here, and yes, that includes black people.  It's a stereo-type that Germans are racist, they are way past that now.

  10. The last time i was in Ulm ( about 6 years ago) most of the blacks I saw were GIs. Ulm itself has very few blacks which are mostly immigrants directly from Africa. The People in Ulm however are not at all prejudiced. As long as your not Turkish. And even then..........

  11. A black man in germany, not a good a idea, people are a little racist. ok alot.

    Better wait for South Africa 2010.

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