Guest 8937 replied regarding RC ANTI-SEMITISM question of:
"The church used to be anti-semitic, now they give jews a special place."
Guest 8937 wrote this: //Please send me documented evidence from reliable sources that supports this...//
>>PROOF of historical RC Anti-Jewishness comes from their own sources:
POPE INNOCENT III decreed as follows (about all Jews - not just the Judean Jews involved in the passion of The Christ):
"As Cain was a wanderer and an outcast, not to be killed by anyone but marked with the sign of fear on his forehead, so the Jews . . . against whom the voice of the blood of Christ cries out . . . although they are not to be killed they must always be dispersed as wanderers upon the face of the earth." (Migne, Patrologia, CCXV, 1291.)
POPE INNOCENT III goes on to state on page 694 of same document:
"Although Christian piety tolerates the Jews . . . whose own fault commits them to perpetual slavery . . . and allows them to continue with us (even though the Moors will not tolerate them), they must not be allowed to remain ungrateful to us in such a way as to repay us with contumely for favors and contempt for our familiarity. They are admitted to our familiarity only through our mercy; but they are to us dangerous as the insect in the apple, as the serpent in the breast * * * Since, therefore, they have already begun to gnaw like the rat, and to stink like the serpent, it is to our shame that the fire in our breast which is being eaten into by them, does not consume them * * * As they are reprobate slaves of the Lord, in whose death they evilly conspired (at least by the effect of the deed), let them acknowledge themselves as slaves of those whom the death of Christ has made free."
AND - in the FOURTH LATERAN COUNCIL of 1215, POPE INNOCENT III adopts Canons #67-70 which decreed the Roman Catholic attitude towards Jews:
> First canon is financial and notes that only Jews were permitted to lend money at interest <my note: the Bible actually teaches that nobody is to lend money with interest.>
> The second canon decrees that all Jews be distinguished for all time from Christians by color of dress and distinctive badge.
> The third forbids Jews to have Christians as nurses, tutors, and domestic servants and forbids Christians to cohabit with Jews and Jewesses. Legal marriage with them was impossible.
> The fourth forbids the acceptance of legal testimony of Jews against Christians and orders preference for the testimony of a Christian against a Jew. An order is also added that all in authority in Church and State must watch continually lest converted and baptized Jews continue to practice the rites of their former faith.
IN 1567, POPE PIUS V revoked the small concession, granted to Jews by Pius IV, enabling them to possess immovable property up to the value of 1,500 gold ducats. He ordered the Jews to sell all their properties to Christians. Two years later he ordered all Jews expelled from the States of the Church:
"By authority of these present Letters, We order that each and every Jew of both sexes in Our Temporal Dominions, and in all the cities, lands, places and baronies subject to them, shall depart completely out of the confines thereof within the space of three months after the present Letters shall have been made public. They shall be despoiled of all their goods, and be prosecuted according to the due process of law. They shall become bondsmen of the Roman Church, and shall be subjected to perpetual servitude. And the said Church shall claim the same right over them as other dominions over their slaves and bondsmen." (Papal Bull. Rom. Pont., VII, 741.)
IN 1244, POPE INNOCENT IV also ordered the burning of Jewish books. (Bull. Rom. Pont., IV, 509.)
POPE GREGORY IX sent communications to the archbishops of Germany about the Council of Toledo where it was decreed that Jews of both sexes, and for all time, should be distinguished from others by their mode of dress. We therefore command that each and every one of you to have all the excesses of the Jews completely repressed, lest they should presume to raise their necks from the yoke of servitude in contumely of the Redeemer; forbidding them to discuss in any way concerning their faith or rites with Christians. In this matter calling to your aid the help of the civil power, inflicting upon Christians, who offer opposition, due ecclesiastical punishment ** (Bull. Rom. Pont., III, 497.)
POPE EUGENIUS IV, in 1442, issued the following decree: "We decree and order that from now on, and FOR ALL TIME, Christians shall not eat or drink with Jews; nor admit them to feasts, nor cohabit with them, nor bathe with them {remember, this was an era of public bath houses.} Christians shall not allow Jews to hold civil honors over Christians, or to exercise public offices in the State. Jews cannot be merchants, Tax Collectors, or agents in the buying and selling of the produce and goods of Christians, nor their Procurators, Computers or Lawyers in matrimonial matters, nor Obstetricians; nor can they have association or partnership with Christians. No Christian can leave or bequeath anything in his last Will and Testament to Jews or their congregations. Jews are prohibited from erecting new synagogues. They are obliged to pay annually a tenth part of their goods and holdings. Against them Christians can testify, but the testimony of Jews against Christians in no case is of any value. All and every single Jew, of whatever s*x and age, must everywhere wear the distinct dress and known marks by which they can be evidently distinguished from Christians. They cannot live among Christians, but in a certain street, separated and segregated from Christians, and outside which they cannot under any pretext have houses * * (Bull. Rom. Pont., V, 67.)
In 1555, POPE PAUL IV reiterated these restrictions against the Jews and added some new ones.... there's plenty more but this is just a sampling.
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