
How is the pregnant woman from australia the victim and the teenager the assailant here?

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In Australia, a (very, 19) young woman and her (28 year old sugar daddy) partner were in an altercation with a 16 year old teenager. The woman and (sic) man were witnessed throwing CONCRETE BLOCKS at the teenager. The teenager defends him self (ATTACKS, sic) by throwing a bottle of acid at the (assailants) VICTIMS.

Wha, wha, huh, huh, WHAT?

How is this kid the attacker for defending himself and the woman a victim?

There is a cure for liberalism if you want it? It's called shame and truthfulness.

God Bless

Frank Pytel




  1. Just another instance of your great entertainment industry,...*ahem*...I mean news media, being "fair" and "unbiased". We have the same pack of idiots controlling most of the morons in this country as well, so don't feel bad. Over here, most states that have not been overrun with bleeding heart liberals have laws that protect the boy in this case, so-called "no-retreat" laws. I would however have to question his choice of weapon. The law says you may only meet force with equal force, and given the nature of the acid he threw, and it's capacity for serious harm (blindness), I would say he would eventually wind up in deep doo doo. Eyesight is more highly valued than integrity of limbs in this country. Both parties were wrong when it all comes down to it.

  2. I have to ask WTF was he doing with a bottle of acid. I mean I don't walk down the street carrying a bottle containing acid, just in case I'm attacked by a pair of loonies slinging concrete blocks around. Just doesn't ring true.

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