
How is the quality of life in Vietnam?

by Guest33807  |  earlier

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please tell me everything you know




  1. From my point of view...It's not so bad but still not so good but it's getting better. This is from my point of view from what I see & experienced is just restricted in Saigon (Havent been to other area yet)

  2. quality is better now than before.  in Ha Noi the people follow western style and in the south Ho Chi Minh City (Sai Gon) we still in not good situation.  the school and legal system not in good place.  many kid in street sell loto ticket

  3. Materially, it's still poor compared to the more developped countries in Asia such as Japan, Korea and Taiwan. However, life can be only better compared to what it was during the big war (1961-1975)  and the smaller wars (1979-1989)  that followed.

    GDP has been growing at the rate of 7% a year, the highest in the world and second only to China. Over the last 20 years, one could see the bicycles replaced by the mopeds and motor-scooters and more recently, the increasing number of cars in the street, some even of the luxury types..

    Construction is every  where. In the major cities, high rises and nuidings of all kinds spring up like mushrooms after a rain. Industrial parks now dot the countryside where there were only pastures a few years ago. Investments  are pouing in from overseas. Intell just begun construction of a $1-billion facilily and Honda, an auto assembly plant.

    For many years, Vietnam could only built small fishing boats but it now builds large ocean going vessels even for Japan and Britain. It even  produces computers!

    There were fewer than a dozen colleges and universities in the entire country in 1975. Now there are over 200, many are privately ownen and run, some by institutions from  the US and Australia...

    A recent international survey revealed that the people of Vietnam are among the happiest in the world so their quality of life must be good, regardless of personal wealth?

  4. The higher up the economic ladder you are the better your quality of life is just like any other country.  It looks to me when we visit that there are less homeless people begging now than a few years ago.  Seems like more jobs and a better future is coming. Hope this helps some what.  cheers.

  5. ... One thing I do remember. For a girl, they have a nice style for  fashion. Almost of young people like to having fun with their lifes.

  6. The quality of life for your average Vietnamese is quite hard,if you are a foreigner with a bit of cash its very good

  7. Very hard to comment

  8. The quality of life in Vietnam depends on who you are, where you live and what you value.

    My wife and I have a nice house in a new area of Saigon that can provide a lifestyle very close to the lifestyle I have in Southern California. On the other hand, we have relatives and friends living in Thai Binh (approximately 60 KM Southeast of Hanoi) who live in extreme poverty.

    The Vietnamese in Vietnam don't measure the quality of life by what they have, but rather by the happiness of their family. That in mind, our economically challenged family and friends in Thai Binh are millionaires because they are always happy so long as their family is healthy.

    To get into more detail will require more specific questions. Please feel free to ask.

  9. compare to before, Vietnam is a little bit better.

    thus, people still lives in poor condition. however, rich people become richer and poor people become poorer...

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