
How is the scope for SAP-FICO and which is good institution for SAP FICO in chennai?

by Guest63701  |  earlier

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How is the scope for SAP-FICO and which is good institution for SAP FICO in chennai?




  1. it depends on your experience level. you need to have costing knowledge to get in to the market.

    fico job market on bar as it is go...

    check with aidea infotech chennai. they seems to be good. also you can try with VSK sap tech.

  2. why are you asking your question in the Special Ed section? why do so many people in your country not understand that Special Education deals with people who have physical and/or mental disabilities?

  3. This is special education for those with additional needs. Your question would be better posted in studying abroad or higher education.

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