
How is the turbo propeller for aircraft engine is design? how they designed it's bearing, shaft and gear?

by Guest31640  |  earlier

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if possible, add also the related website about the design of the turbo propeller for an aircraft engine




  1. arreahflah -

    That's sort of a complex question. You start with a set of design criteria that specifies what the turboprop will do - for example required thrust / horsepower vs. altitude, temperature etc. You need to understand the expected flight envelope  and maneuver envelope of the aircraft, as well as the expected duty cycle. Then you can define the aerodynamics of the blade to achieve the specifications. This will drive a specific set of shaft speeds and torque requirements. These will in turn drive stress requirements in the blade and shaft. Considerations like blade flutter and bird strike will also have to be addressed, since they are generally included as part of the design criteria. Once the rotor design is initiated, the shaft diameters can be determined. Shaft dynamics analysis will be performed to ensure that the speeds that are required do not result in a shaft resonance within the expected run range. This analysis can also predict bearing loads due to shaft imbalance and maneuvers (as required by the criteria). Secondary flow analysis is performed to provide adequate seal pressures and cooling flow as required. This also provides information on bearing thrust loads. Using this and the results of the shaft dynamics analysis, proper bearings can be selected that will fullfill the life cycle requirements of the design criteria. As all this is accomplished, it gets iterated about three times until it is optimized for all systems. Then prototype hardware is built and tests are performed to verify that the analytical predictions are accurate. Then more design iterations (hopefully very few) are performed prior to design certification.

    I have left out about 90% of the process, but you can get the general idea of the complexity of your original question.

  2. It is designed through sheer concentration of observing and experimenting.

    Okay, some sites.

    Go on some eboards of teachers, especially science teahcers. They have sites which of what you'll need for this project.

    Also, I would need to know whether a wind tunnel will be used for this design.

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