
How is the weather in Los Angeles, CA?

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I'm thinking about moving there, is it warm in the winter, summer, fall, autumn, and spring? It is warm all year around?




  1. It's funny that people think that LA is warm year round; this isn't true because it gets cold! In comparison to other parts of the country, the weather is mild. A bit warmer in the summer, but not too hot. Winter temps are sometimes in the mid to high 30's in the city but mostly the winters are in the 40's (nightime). Also, because I live closer to the ocean, it gets cooler. Believe me, there are times we have to bundle up!

  2. The weather is mild here year round.  There is a lot of variation, though, depending on what area of the Los Angeles Metropolitan area you live in.  Near the coast tends to be cooler, in the San Fernando and San Gabriel Valleys tends to be hotter.

    This summer, the temperatures are ranging from the 70s to the 90s.  There have been some 100+ days, but there are not too many of those.  At the end of the summer, we tend to get a lot of Santa Ana Winds, which is when instead of getting a nice, cool, offshore wind, the wind comes from inland, and it is hot and dry.  A lot of people don't like the Santa Ana's, because they can really exacerbate allergies and sinus problems, but I kind of like them.

    The winters are mild, with days usually in the 60s, though it is not unusual for a December day to be sunny and in the 70s.  At night, it can dip down into the 40s.  Most of our rain tends to come January through March.  When it rains, it pours, and since LA doesn't get too much rain, there's tons of traffic and accidents on the freeways, since we're not used to driving in rain.  There's no snow unless you drive up into the mountains outside the LA Basin, like Big Bear.

    --->Good luck on your move!

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