
How is the weather like in Australia in December?

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How is the weather like in Australia in December?




  1. December is Summer - It's hot everywhere in Australia!

    In my part of Australia - North Queensland it's not only hot, but very high humidity as well.

    High 30's Celsius  - that's about 100 Fahrenheit .

  2. summer there in dec.

  3. Lovely

  4. SUMMER! very very hot and muggy.

  5. Do you think you could be a little bit more precise?

    It's like what's the weather like in Europe in June?!

    Depends on which part.

    Obviously, it is summer here in the southern hemisphere in December.  So the nights are warm to hot.

    If you're further north (such as Darwin or Cairns), it's hot and humid.  And there's liable to be spectacular electrical storms and possibly a cyclone (although they're more prevalent in January/February).

    If you're further south (such as Melbourne or Adelaide), it's just plain hot.

    And if you're anywhere along the south coast (ie Perth through Adelaide to Hobart, Melbourne & Sydney), then it's liable to be smoky -- if there's a bushfire in the vicinity.

    The only annoying thing about summer in Australia is the bugs.  If that pesky mosquito doesn't keep you awake half the night, the moths trying to make mad passionate love to your outside lights or the huntsmen spiders (who have a passion for scarpering up bedroom walls) are liable to make your evening slumbers a little restless.  LOL

  6. it gets pretty cold at night, mate.

  7. it's hot here in summer

    for a few days it goes up over forty but other than that the weather is really good

    right now the weather is HORRIBLE , so cold...

  8. December is the beginning of our summer.

    On the coast it will be rather humid while inland is more dry.

    The nights are usually comfortable to sit around outside in shorts and a t-shirt but days can be rather hot depending on the proximity to the equator and heat waves, etc.

    Make sure you bring thongs, sunnies, swimmers, a hat, sunscreen, and comfortable light weight clothing.

    Here is a link which shows the average temperatures in Sydney:

    Take note that Northern states and inland tends to be substantially hotter, closer to the mid - high 30s. Perth, Adelaide and Melbourne have a tendency to experience heat waves in summer. And in northern Queensland summer is the tropical season bring tyrannical rains and off-shore cyclones. Sydney also tend to experience a rainy season in January so you should just miss it.

  9. Generally... It is Hot.. but a couple of Christmases ago It snowed in Tasmania and Canberra....

    do you ask because you are coming here?

  10. Well it is Summer here!

    So it's pretty hot and sticky.

    But there are good beaches, so that's probably the best part of Summer.

  11. Australia is very big so it varies as some parts are tropical and some a temperate and desert etc

    But try this website its great for weather forecasts and is run by the Australian Government so its official and accurate.

  12. Australia is huge, the weather is different all over. December is the first month of summer. In tamworth, where I live (in the new england region, east/north NSW) december is very dry and hot, most of the grass turns yellow and there are flies like you wouldn't beleive oh, the flies!! And it sucks because school doesn't finish until around 20th. But its very nice to me, I love the sunshine and the warmth.

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