
How is the winter weather in Boston?

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Does it snow a lot or is it just more cold winds and rain? I am from California and I hope to go to college there, but I am afraid that I will not be able to adapt to the cold weather.




  1. According to this insiders view of Boston, winter is cold w/snow but is beautiful with the trees lit in Common, Garden and Faneuil Hall.

  2. Winters here are horrible.

    Very cold, lots of nasty snow. You can adapt, everyone does. But many still hate the winter

  3. its friggin cold, and it snows a lot, but its so worth it to live here!

  4. It's pretty cold, but it's not that bad because we aren't in the mountains or anything. The snow isn't that bad either, atleast in the city because it evaporates quickly and when it snows a lot out of the city, you barely even notice in the city because they do such a great job of cleaning it up / it evaporates.

  5. ehmn i live in boston well the winter? when it snows it snows for a whilee && then it ends up pilling up like atleast 12inches high! but its really coldd but its not that bad

  6. We get cold wet winters here in Boston.

    The winter temperature ranges from -5 below zero to 33 degrees.

    There might be a cold snap of 10 degrees out for a week, then the temperature will pop up to 33 degrees and rain all day long then drop like a stone down to 10 degrees again, freezing solid every thing in sight.

    Boston winters are known for its Nor'easters, gales, ice storms, blizzards, and beautiful light snowy days.

    Parking can be competitive as every one protects the spot where they broke their backs shoveling out their cars.

    When it warms up a bit like in January, there will be huge puddles hiding underneath a layer of slush, so when you step off the curbstone thinking its snow, you might find yourself ankle deep in a slush-puddle - cold, wet feet for the rest of the day.

    So dress for very cold and very wet weather in a Boston winter.  Your winter jacket should also have a hood and be water repellent.  Get a good pair of rubberized boots that are at least over your ankles.  Knit cap, scarf, and warm waterproof gloves are standard.

  7. it is not like cali at all.  it snows alot, and if it doesnt snow its just really cold. normally it starts getting cold in october/november and then starts to get warm in like march/april.  you shouldnt base going or not going to college on the weather though. if you get into a good college here that you like itll be worth it.

  8. yes its cold and snowy but its not horrible, then again im not from california.

    get a winter coat, boots, and learn to enjoy the snow and cold! it makes spring that much better =)

  9. Cold. Very cold. But you'll be fine. But don't be surprised when you wake up with tweleve inches of snow outside your window.

  10. Yeah, it gets very cold. Heavy snow here and there, but other years it rarely snows. We are known for having wicked blizzards, but you get what you get in Boston. Good luck :D

  11. Yes it snows a lot here however my friend also from CA came here for college and she absolutly loved it. She stayed for some time after she finished school but eventually moved back home. If your planning on going to school here why not do it just do experience something different???  

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