
How is the word hate any different?

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ok sorry, maybe its just me but how can hateing a person be any different form not likeing a person.. it doesn't make sense to me.




  1. As far as just pure definitions go, the word "hate" and the word "dislike" both refer to a basic feeling of disapproval.  However, hate is more intense and, perhaps most importantly, comes from an emotion like anger or fear.  Thus, hate is a much more fierce kind of feeling.  

    For example, you can dislike a certain kind of food, the way it tastes, looks, etc.  However, in order to hate it, (as per definition) there's probably more serious issues at the root of the matter.  Like you were forced to eat it as a child and if you didn't, you would be punished.  

    It has everything to do with intensity, and therefore, depending on how you feel, you may, in fact, dislike a person or hate them.  In reality, they are just words, or labels.  They communicate something that really cannot be expressed into words.  But language tries its best.  

    What's important isn't so much the label, but how you really feel about someone.  Do you simply disapprove of how someone looks or dresses or behaves, or does it evoke emotion?  Does it make you angry, or sad, or afraid?  If its the former, than that's a pretty regular feeling.  Throughout your life, you will find all kinds of things that you disapprove of, and there's essentially nothing wrong with that.  However, feelings of hate, ones that may elicit emotions, those are dangerous.  Strong feelings of anger or sadness can cloud the mind and inhibit your decision making.  It is what makes people hurt other people simply because they look different or believe in something they don't.  So be careful.


  2. There is a broad spectrum between love and hate (there are many different degrees and you can be 'neutral' towards someone too and neither like them nor hate them)  Its all shades of grey, not black and white.

  3. well, for me, hating and not liking someone ARE 2 different things.

    there are people i can't stand to talk to, hear, be in the same room, and pretty much loath entirely....this is where hate can be applied.

    Then there's someone that bothers me and don't like being around them, but i can tolerate them, and listen to them if i have to... this is not liking someone.

    hate and not liking someone are two different things.

    hope this clarifies

  4. hate is a stronger emotion than dislike.  

  5. Hate is to love as dislike is to like. It's a matter of degrees/extremes.

    Example:  I hated one ex for cheating on me; I disliked another because she was boring.  

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