
How is this all possible? life and time?

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if u think (acutally think) don't go towards "god"....

well if you think hard somthing as to make somthing else right?

Then if the supposed god made this earth, people, etc.

who made god? and who ever made god who made that person etc..

this really makes me want to question "how is this possible?"

what do u think?




  1. i always think about that too. but it is important to just believe in God if you are Christian or Catholic

  2. Why do people find it so hard to accept that the universe and all matter always existed and always will. When ever anyone says that something is the cause of the universe, then the law of causality tells us that something must have caused that, so there can not be a first cause that brought all matter into existence, as if there was nothing, no events could occur.

  3. I know it's long but please read on! Well, half of the way people look at the creation of existence is based on religious views, and if you do believe in something like that, then great, you're minds at ease. I myself am an Atheist. I'm also very skeptical, but always tend to take into point of view what other people think. If you imagine nothing, I bet the first thing that comes into your head is either a vast open space of either black or white. But nothing itself is unrealistic and impossible, speaking in terms of matter and physical possibility. God him or herself, or itself for that matter may not be existent, but an infinite higher source of matter may in fact be just the thing that created us. People say that religious books are fact. BUT. They could have just been story books. I mean, for a long time, the Greek gods and goddesses were consider the highest point of living and truth. Now that opinion has died. The bible or any other religious article could in the future be considered just another book of myths and legends. So maybe we just exist for the sake of existing, but at the end of the day we are here. So enjoy it whilst you can and don't go out on limb to please your "creator" Because we don't know what happens after wards. Just what happens now. From Becy- age 14

  4. God doesn't exist, lets get that straight. Then who created the universe? The universe itself is eternal it doesn't need to be created.

  5. He is a paradox, at some point in gods "life" god created god and sent him back through time to create himself

    Henry - age 147

  6. Maybe because it's the only thing that can be possible because you can't have nothing, ever thought of that? Like, it's the most logical thing don't you think?

  7. It is probably too difficult for us to understand.

    God is probably living in a dimension so different from ours that time and space do not exist so the rules will be completely different too.

    We haven't enough information to figure it out - maybe we're a lab experiment and Satan is a lab assistant that screwed up his ????

  8. how did god make light, and then make the sun after? its just one of those things the you arnt supposed to ask in religion.

  9. The difficulty we have in accepting something or someone without a cause is due to our conditioned life, for nothing within our experience has ever been causeless.

    But causelessness implies supremacy, absoluteness. That is Krishna, God.

    According to the Brahma-samhitä, Krishna's body is not made of atoms and molecules. And Sri Isopanisad adds that His body contains no veins or other mechanical arrangements for maintaining itself. Krishna the person and Krishna's body are nondifferent. Therefore both Krishna and His body are eternal, without beginning or end, unlike our material bodies, which perish with the passage of time and molecular deterioration.

    The spiritual world is nondual. "Non-dual" refers to the fact that in the spiritual world there is no qualitative difference between Krishna and His form, Krishna and His name, Krisha and His pastimes, Krishna and His abode. All are of the same eternal, blissful nature. In that eternal, blissful spiritual world, Krishna is engaged in playing lovingly with His devotees in varieties of relationships and affairs. Renowned scholars and speculative philosophers often interpret Krishna's personal life and loves as mythological, in the same way that the wranglers in the scientific arena interpret God as a creation of the mind of man. Actually Krishna is not man-made, nor are His activities mythological. Love of Krishna constitutes the ultimate goal of research and the perfection of all knowledge. Krishna says in Bhagavad-gitä:

    "After many births of speculative research, the truly intelligent man surrenders unto Me, Krishna, knowing Me to be the cause of all causes and all that is. Such a great soul is very rare." (Bg. 7.19)

    "I worship that transcendental world, known as Goloka, where as loving consorts the "Laksmis" in their unalloyed spiritual essence practice the amorous service of the Supreme Lord Krishna as their only lover; where every tree is a transcendental purpose tree; where the soil is the purpose gem, all water is nectar, every word is a song, every gait is a dance, the flute is the favorite attendant, effulgence is full of transcendental bliss and the supreme spiritual entities are all enjoyable and tasty; where numberless milk cows always emit transcendental oceans of milk; where there is eternal existence of transcendental time, who is ever present and without past or future and hence is not subject to the quality of passing away even for the space of half a moment. That realm is known as Goloka only to a very few self-realized souls in this world."

    Selected Verse From Brahma Samhita.

  10. 'God', is simply the name given to the unknown means of how our universe was created. Whether there is, or isn't a  God or Creator is irrelevant. You never ever get a proper answer to the Chicken or the Egg questions. I believe we have to come up with our own answers to fundamental questions like this , and when we get one we can live with, go to the next one we're having trouble with.

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