
+++How is this fish called???++++? video???

by Guest63040  |  earlier

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here is a vid of the fish that i want to know the name. they are the ones feeding aLL over the bottom there are some white ones that you can see in second 13




  1. goldfish

  2. those are called cory catfish the white is albino and the green is an emrald cory good luck =)

  3. They're albino cory catfish. They're pretty common and quite hearty. They can be very fun to watch. I have one named Finny. :-)

  4. those are  albino  and green strains of the corydorus catfish, called cory cats.

    its good that you have a bunch of them, because they do better in groups. they grow to 3 inches long, are totally peaceful, and very good scavengers

  5. it is an albino cory and emrald corys

  6. Albino Aeneus Cory Cat

    Scientifically: Corydoras aeneus

    This is the fish not in albino form:

  7. Albino Aeneus Cory Cat

  8. Corydoras

    There are albino ones and green ones. If you want them, remeber they need to eb in schools of 3+, 6 plus would be better for them.

  9. Albino Corydoras

  10. Those are Cory Cats, I have 4 Albino, and 2 Panda in my tank, they are a blast to watch...they remind me of Zoidberg on Futurama!!! Love them and would reccomend them to anyone with a tropical tank...

  11. Its a corydoras catfish. or cory catfish for short.

    You can get them at petsmart.

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