
How is this for a baby girls name??

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i really really like graziella elizabeth. its italian so it would be pronounced like grats ee ella




  1. Do you in in an Italian neighborhood or Italy? Although the name is very pretty it might be too dfficult to pronounce by  most Americans

  2. Isabella is best

  3. I think it's pretty

    My daughter has 3 Grace's in her grade and one Gracia

    I think Graziella would be like Gracia

    I think Graziella Elizabeth is cool

  4. i Like it but kno one is gonna say it right and thats just setting the kid up too be picked on. Try to switch it to elizabeth graziella

  5. urmmmmm, dont you think gabriella or something along those lines would be better? but i love the middle name!

  6. Is this a giraffe or baby girl?

  7. i like Elizabeth Graziella just switch the two around it would be a better name in my opinion

  8. I think there are much lovelier Italian names.

  9. Beautiful! I love it! I also like:

    Gracia (grah-thee-ah or grah-see-ah)

    Grazia (grat-see-ah)

    Gracias (grah-thee-*** or grah-see-***)

    Graciasa (gras-yah-sah or grath-yah-sah)

    Grazie (grat-see-eh)

    Gratia (grah-shah)

    Hope I helped, && good luck.


  10. Its a pretty name. Is Elizabeth a family name? If it isn't special to you personally I would consider a different middle because Elizabeth is very over-used.

  11. I like it a lot!

  12. I'm not sure about graziella for the first name, maybe a middle name.  it's very hard to say for a child when she becomes kindergarten age.  

  13. Well...........

  14. awww i like it a lot!

    i love italian names, and its much more unique than isabella or sophia even though those are pretty names too.

    elizabeth is a little too common for some names, but since the first name isn't over-used i think it sounds fine.

  15. Sure it's cool. maybe i'm going to steal for my baby coming in 2 months.

  16. I love the name Graziella! That's so original! Elizabeth stunts the beauty of Graziella though. I think you should use an Italian middle name as well. Great name choice though!

  17. i like  bella sera also italian

  18. the first name is really different....Did you make it up?......Elizabeth is a beautiful name! Just remember the child has to live with that first name forever........all thru school and even out there trying to get a job......Would anyone really take that name serious? I would hate to have to go thru life with a name like that! All I'm saying is really give it some thought before you do it!  

  19. I don't care for it, but you really, really like it... so that's all that really matters.

  20. I love that name!!!  I am Italian too and I would defiantly name my daughter Graziella.  I don't like all these new names that have been used lately.  I don't care what is in fashion at the time I would always choose a name that i liked!

  21. I don't like the first name, but I love Elizabeth.

  22. name her that but call her Ella or Elle

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