
How is this for a waste of tax dollars?

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We are just in the completion of our new town bridge. The community is about 3,000 people, but that includes some surrounding area. The old bridge was completed in 1934. It was two lanes wide and until the late 1960's used to accomodate logging trucks passing both ways. The mills closed so no more trucks. And the bridge had absolutely no structural damage. In fact, the entire structure was incorporated into the new bridge that was to be 4 lanes wide, the only reason for changing things. On both sides of the bridge the mountains limit the highway to 2 lanes and than isn't going to change. Well the cost was to be $6.8 million but there were some overruns because of flooding damaging the construction equipment.

Meanwhile the high school was closed in 1963 and razed in 1965. Since then high schoolers get bused to a school 30 miles away.

The combined grammar and middle school has a roof that is leaking and in need of repairs with an estimated cost of about $2 million.




  1. i have seen very similar problems.. right in my home town

  2. don't forget the little towns the fools really know how to waste it here, our main street has holes that the chinese say hello to us thru, yet I was lost on one of these many dirt roads and right in the middle of nowhere the fool city workers were busy paving and putting up a signs saying new road, of course I stopped and told them what I thought of their supervisor for working on this when our town needs stuff, his answer call the city, of course I called and no reply so me and my friends are going out there to watch the city waste money and harrass the workers

  3. Well my tax dollars are paying for the new Dallas Cowboy Stadium in Arlington,Tx. How is that for being fair! I don't go to football games. So I'm pissed. That I'm paying for a stadium I'll never go to.

  4. In OKC they want to redo about 7 blocks at a cost of over $10 million. These highway budgets are out of control. They even started a new PD here in my town. They overtook an old wheat field and built 2 model homes that they thought would be a great idea. All 3 of these happened at the same time and all have been pretty much halted for over 3 years now. In our community a house that costs as much as these would be a mansion. They are asking 6 digits for a 2-3 br house. It is a BIG DISGUSTING JOKE!!!!

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