
How is time best split between parents who have joint custody?

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How is time best split between parents who have joint custody?




  1. my ex husband works so much that having her spend 50% of the time with him isn't a possibility. i let him take her whenever he can, which isn't very often. do what is best for you and your situation.

  2. There is no "best split" situation; It all depends on if the parents reside near, the age of the child, etc.

    If the children are in school and their parents live in the same school district, then a 1 week on 1 week off might be a good solution, it gives equal time to the parents with the children.

    If not, there could be a every other weekend + 1 day a week (IE; wednesdays nights), plus holidays.. but I find this to be unfair to the parent who doesn't have as much visitation.

  3. Sun-Wed  - MOM

    Thurs-Sat - DAD

    Next week switch over


    1 week per parent, so each have equal no. of early week and end week and weekends.

  4. It really does depend on a lot of different things.  My ex and I only live a few miles from each other.  I have my son three days one week, four days the next, and so on so it is equal.  But that also depends on a persons schedule, how the exes get along, and what is best for the child.  I just happened to get lucky and can see my son just about everyday.  One of the hard things is that the exes have to communicate, which if they could have done that better in the first place, maybe they would still be luck to you.

  5. It is really dependent on the parents.  Some live far away from one another so the child stays with one parent during the school year and another during he summer.  Some have 50/50, some dads get the kids every other weekend and mom keeps them the rest of the time, some go back and fourth every 2, 3 or 4 days...or every week or two weeks.  It all depends on what works best for the parents and what the judge decides.

  6. Depends on their ages.  Personally I am against school age children spending a week here and a week there.  When kids are in school they need stability otherwise they will not do as well in school because they just are never give the chance to adjust to one place, and also they really don't have a home, because they are always going here or there.  so if they are in school, they need to be at one home during the week, and can alternate weekends.  then when they have a holiday, such as christmas, then it is ok for a week here and a week there.  summer break of course is another time where kids can spend a week or two here and there, still depends on the relationship between the parent and child, and make sure that the 2 of you are on the same page with discipline and what is expected.

  7. My ex and I have a visitaion order in our divorce agreemnt, basically i get the kids everyother weekend, every other christmas, every other thanksgiving, everyother easter recess, The thanks givings would be on odd years, the christmas would be on even years as is the easter.  and five weeks in the summer time.,  

  8. Not in this situation but if I was a parent and thinking about what is *best* for my child I would want them to have the stability of having a primary "house" living with the parent who had the greatest amount of freedom (even if it wasn't me).  

    I'm not real keen on the idea of a 50/50 split unless there was genuine need as I'm not convinced that it is healthy for children to be bounced around every week (I think every other week-end, summer + holidays for one parent while the other has primary custody to be the better option, even if it would be painful to me not to be around the children daily).  It is a crappy situation but kids thrive in stability, not some chaotic schedule where they are left wondering where the h**l they will get dumped next week .

    It would also seem to me that weird splits like some have posted (ie 3 days one week 4 days the next) would not only be confusing but really difficult for families to constantly work around.  Sounds like one big mess to me but if it works for them and the children are happy than I guess keep on keeping on.

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