
How is titan earth like?

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in the news below it says "Among other things, Cassini revealed the Earth-like world of Saturn's moon Titan "

i'm wondering how the heck why they would call titan earth like?




  1. Titan's atmosphere is mostly nitrogen gas, like Earth's atmosphere.

  2. it resembles what they think earth was like millions of years ago before life on earth


  3. very Un-Earth-like, I would say... but compared to the other bodies out in that neighborhood, its amazingly similar in size and thickness of atmosphere.

  4. there are rocks and dirt on the surface.

  5. It is the only moon in the Solar System with an atmosphere, and its present atmosphere resembles Earth's billions of years ago, before life was formed. Also it has potentially got oceans (not of water mind you...yet) and has lightening (another important part of life-creation). It looks like what Earth might have 1 billion or so years after it was formed.

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