
How is transportation a part of a larger system?

by Guest31813  |  earlier

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How is transportation a part of a larger system?




  1. Example:  Large System = the food chain.

    Food is produced on farms: grains, livestock, produce (vegetables and fruits), etc.

    This raw food must be processed to be consumed by humans.  Grain must be ground into flour, livestock must be slaughtered to meat, produce must be packaged.  Some fruits are turned into juice.

    In order to get the raw food from the farms to the places where they are processed, it must be transported.  Trucks, Trains, and Ships are used to transport raw foods from near farms to where it is processed.

    Processed foods need to get from factories to markets.  Again, it must be transported from the factory to the warehouses and markets.  Trucks, Trains, Ships, and sometimes airplanes are used to transport processed foods from factories to warehouses and markets.


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