
How is two year's Gov. of Alaksa prepare you to take over as president?

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this isn't about Obama, that's another question... this is asking you to use the facts to convince me about Palin...

and I would like a little more than "two year's of executive experience"... because that implies that any gov. in any state is ready to take over... which is just silly...




  1. Obama has 143 days in the senate, Palin has 2 years, Can you figure this out?

    McCain/Palin 2008!

  2. It doesn't. Plain and simple.

  3. When you can explain how Obama is experienced enough to be president i will prove that Palin is experienced enough.

  4. whats silly is admiring and welcoming the unwarranted and unchecked socialism of obama.  whats warranted about palin is simple family ethics.

    she is a hard worker and understands energy politics

    obama doesnt

    its just that simple.

  5. i suppose you don't think that holding off russian invaders and commanding the alaskan national guard really means anything.

    but at least obama patrolled with his neighborhood watch group

  6. She fed caribou.

    Caribou outnumber people 20 to 1.

    Palin is Clearly not ready to be V.P  

  7. It's significantly more experience than Obama has, period.  She has more executive experience than McCain, Biden and Obama combined.

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