
How is uluru beign damaged?? 10 points for good answers?

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i have a tourism assignment and im doing a report on uluru, i have been searching everwhere but i cant find how uluru is being damaged by tourists. please help!




  1. becuase, it wears away when people walk on it and the tourism there wrecks the once amazing place.

  2. From the bloody yanks and slopeheads  crawling all over it,,its sacred land for christs sake !

  3. I would also say that erosion, wind and rain have the most impact on Uluru itself. But sandstone is fragile, and trampling up the rock by thousands each year might also have some influence.

    The increasing number of visitors certainly does no good for the  region. Look at Yulara resort, see the swimming pools in one of the driest regions on earth. The water for the resort comes from an underground reservoir. some of the water is estimated to be 7000 years old, but it is also recent rainwater that soaked into the reservoir.

    The water used in the resort is being recycled, however, just imagine how much water evaporates from the pools. I don't know how long the underground water reservoir will last if it is used so intensive in the future.

    I am sure this all has an impact on the environment around Uluru.

    If you need more general info about Outback regions, you might visit my Outback guide at

    BTW, I had some prejudices before I visited Uluru, but I was surprised. It is an amazing and awe-inspiring place. At least in my humble opinion.

  4. I don't think it's physical damage which is the problem. The local aboriginals don't like people climbing Uluru because it's a traditionally sacred place for them. There are signs at Uluru telling people not to climb it, but it's not against the law or anything, it's just disrespectful.

  5. In reality, normal erosion by rain and climatic effects is doing more damage than humans. The problem is that most of the human erosion is occurring in a small area i.e. the pathways.

    Frankly, its a very uninspiring piece of rock in a very uninteresting area.

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