
How is ur memory these days ?

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harry ,an elderly widower ,was invited to his friends house for dinner ,ernie ,the host ,preceded every request to his wife with an endearment ,calling her darling,pumpkin, sweetheart etc.harry was touched by this and when the wife was in the kitchen he said to ernie

"i think it's really sweet that after more than 50 yrs of marriage u still have pet names for ur wife"

ernie whispered :"to tell the truth, i forgot her name 5 yrs ago !!"

LOL y!a thinks this should be under computes and internet ,memory has more meanings than one !!!




  1. so far so good -- i always make it back home!!!

  2. Ha, Ha...very cute, Roxy. Have to admit...I use pet names a lot when all my grandaughters are here. Their names all end with the letters ly, and I constantly mix them up!

    (Hope the healing is coming along!)  

  3. lol thats funny i like that

  4. No my memory isn't quite as sharp as it was 50 years ago.  Things stick in my mind like glue and some things seem to float around.  What was the question again?

  5. Hmmmmmm ........... Must be why he keeps calling me that other name all the time !   hahahahaha !!!!

  6. I sometimes have the same problem.

  7. I seem to have lost my memory.  I can't remember where I put it.

  8. Ha ha ha ha Sheila this is very funny - and for the record - no mine is not as good as it once was!   I just seem to forget things "temporarily" - and then remember what it was later!   Hope it does not get any worse than this?  

    Again thanks for a good laugh!                     CJ

  9. I called my 2nd wife "Honey" for the first ten years of our marriage. It just so happened she had the same name as my 1st wife. After 10 years it just didn't seem to matter anymore so I called her anything that came to mind.

  10. super cute joke!

  11. very good roxy! love it.

    my long term memories ok, but i have to think what day of the week it is most days, and the usual 'what did i come in here for? haha

  12. It comes... and goes... mostly goes.

    The first two things to go are... 1- your memory... and 2-... um... I can't remember!

    Have a Senior day.

  13. I think that my memory is okay on most days, but now I think I know why my hubby calls his male friends "bro", and his female friends "hun"!  Chuckles and stars for you!

  14. I do that at work, always calling the guys by different names. it is so embarrassing.

  15. good one!  

  16. I keep having Senior moments. My hubby will come in the house and stand there looking around, turn around and go back out. I know he has Senior moments too but won't say so. LOL. Take vitamin B, it is suppose to help your memory.  Poppy


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