
How is vetillation maintained inside aircraft?

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How is vetillation maintained inside aircraft?




  1. So far everybody got it partly right I suppose. Nobody hit the mark though. As mentioned, high pressure air is bleed from the compressor section of the engine. Then it is cooled, very hot right out of the engine you see, in an air cycle machine, OK air conditioner if you must, and finally ducted into the cabin and cargo area. But, it ain't over yet. Ya see, there's enough of that air to pop the balloon, split all the rivets holding the fuselage together, so it needs a way out. That,s the job of the outflow valves. And therein lies the answer to your question. Outflow valves are automatically opened and closed as needed to maintain the proper cabin pressure.

    And now you no the rest of the story.

  2. EASY!!! Ram air and mostly,bleed air from the engines!!!

  3. I cannot believe so many engineers missed the spot on RECIRCULATION.

    And ventilation is maintained also by blowers to keep air moving.


  4. The air enters the turbine to cool the machines.Some of that air is filtered and passed to the inside of the jet.

  5. The engines compress air before it is burned in the combustion chamber as air at high altitudes is thin. Some of this compressed air is then taken from the engine and it then needs to be put through an air conditioning unit as it is very hot. This air is then distributed throughout the aircraft.

  6. i believe it's just through the heating and ac system

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