
How is welding galvanised steel different to un-galvanised steel?

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I did this the other day and it seemed a h**l of alot smokier...should this worry me at all?

Does the zinc I assume I am burning off to produce the increased smoke pose me any helth risk?




  1. You ought to be outside with the wind going the opposite direction-yes! and use Flux on your welding path. I care about you and don't breath this stuff.

  2. studenthelper-

  3. The welding heat burns the zinc coating, causing it to oxidise. ZnO2 is not a nice thing to put into your lungs, as like most smokes, it is more a powdered solid than a gas, and will deposit in your mouth, nose, and lungs. Even with adequate ventilation, I would grind off the zinc around the weld area before hitting it with a rod or torch.

  4. That's exactly what should have happened - welding gal and "un-gal" is pretty much identical - the only difference is that you vapourise the zinc coating - hence all the smoke.

    As for the zinc smoke - not lethal, but it may make you feel as if you've got a cold or flu....

    Oh and after the zinc gets annihilated no more protective coating - so rust loves welds....

  5. Might be an old wives tale but they recommend you drink lots of milk when you weld galvanized iron.

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