
How is wind energy converted to electric energy?

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i just want to know to know is there any other method other than connecting to turbine and generators




  1. there are plenty of ways to use wind energy. i don't know if you want other ways to use wind, or other ways to convert wind to electricity. you could pump water uphill or use it to grind wheat, but electricity is the most versatile.

  2. Friction.

  3. You know about turbines. There is another method that is modeled on the way lightning is formed. It has been experimented with and produces variable results... sometimes it works and sometimes it causes disaster.

    When wind blows through a magnetic field any ions will deflect in opposite directions creating a separation of charge. We can  send wind up a silo, and it passes through the earth's magnetic field That is very analogous to the way wind rising in a storm centre causes ion separation. But in a storm there is also moisture condensing, which causes large numbers of ions distributed over many microscopic droplets to join together  and so produce large amounts of deliverable energy.

    To make the silo effect work one needs to enhance the separation of charge. Various strategies have been tried. some are so effective as to stop the wind from blowing, and stop the charge from being created.

    Then there has been the vibrator trick. If one puts a permanent magnet on the middle of a wide, twisted, and tightly strung reed, it moves the magnet back and forth past a coil of wire and in so doing creates an alternating current.  with large numbers of these mounted so that the wind passes them, we can get many watts. Controlling voltage is a bit inefficient.

  4. Just turbine to generator...

  5. A simple windmill connected to an alternator does  the trick.

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