
How is your HD experience?

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yesterday i watched a HD video online and i was really impressed by the quality. now i want to buy a HD TV. if you already have one, how is it like? how are HD channels compared to the normal ones?




  1. I have a Samgsung 40" 1080p tv running a Ps3 and a xbox 360 both running HDMI and the Blue Ray on the PS3 is brilliant so much so i am replacing my dvd collection with Blue Ray Disks i also run my pc throught it which is cool too.

  2. they are really great, now remember to get a HD tv with 1080p as this is the best at the moment anyway i just wanted to tell you that which ever you choose do not by a HD-DVD player or anything to do this HD-DVD's because most likly blueray will win the format war.

  3. You did not watch true HD video on-line in the UK. The maximum bandwidth and line speed won't allow it, whatever some people may claim. Even advertising men can't break the laws of physics.

    You may have seen very good video though.

    HD tv is very good at screen sizes 37" and above. Less impressive below that. Great for fast games and suchlike.

  4. I love HD i play games in hd on my xbox 360 and i love it

  5. Once in a while the amount of information in the digital compression of the signal is not enough and the picture just stops for an instant.  That happens on satellite and antenna, tho more on satellite.

    You have to get the signal in hd, either with hd satellite or hd cable and antenna.  I recommend a rooftop antenna for the local channels because often have more channels per station than they are providing for satelite.  And satelite is still blocked by storm clouds.

    HD is transmitted in the current UHF band, so if you are getting your UHF channels over the air now, that will work just fine for HD.

    P.S. not all hd is widescreen and not all widescreen is hd.  The industry is growing and changing rapidly

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