
How is your brain powered by the sun?

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i can't think of much about this. Anyone have any ideas?




  1. Because the ultimate source of food on this planet is from plants which derive their energy from the sun.

  2. The food chain. Plants use photosynthesis, you eat the plants, food is used as energy, energy is used by your brain.  It is indirectly powered by the sun.  We are what scientist call chemoheterotrophs which means we get our carbon source from other organisms as well as our energy. Plants (in general photoautotrophs) obtain their carbon from carbon dioxide and their energy from the sun.

  3. Our brains are powered by the energy we get from our food.  Whether we eat plant or animal material, it all traces back through the food chain to a producer which made the food by photosynthesis.  Sunlight is the energy for photosynthesis.

  4. our brains are fueled by glucose, which comes from plants, which use energy from the sun

  5. Plants get their energy from the sun via photosynthesis.  You eat the plant, or an animal that ate plants, and you get the energy from the plant, which in turn got it's energy from the sun.  Your stomach digests the plant/animal and the energy from that food is what powers your brain.  And that is how your brain is powered by the sun.

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