
How is your daily routine while homeschooling and activities for teens?

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Hello, Iam thinking of homeschooling my son. He will be in 7th grade . Can you please tell me the what is one of the best homeschooling programs and how do you get them involved in activiteis with other homeschoolers?





  1. My daughter will be in gr. 6, so not much younger than your son. Our basic routine is this: mornings are work time, afternoons are varied. Some afternoons, my two (I also have a son going into gr. 3) will do more "elective"-type activities: art, music, play catch, etc. There's a homeschool park day each week where we live and we try to make that as often as we can. There might be a field trip or a get-together with another family, we go out to the library one afternoon a week. It's never the same.

    They are involved with other homeschoolers by us being members of a few homeschool support groups where we live. I found my first group in Yahoo Groups, which led me to 3 other groups. Park day is our primary social activity--and yes, even teens are there, which is great, because my 7yo thinks nothing of talking to a teenager and a couple love interacting with him.

    ADDED: Just reread your question and I obviously wasn't paying attention the first time through. Best homeschooling programs? Depends on what you mean by that. Do you want an all-in-one curriculum? A distance learning program? (Do you think you need some sort of 'whole' curriculum? You don't; you can do your own thing as long as you meet state requirements.) There's a lot out there! What you are looking for specifically will help with recommendations.

  2. We have a 12 year old whom we have homeschooled for almost three years.

    Her schedule varies depending on the day.

    As of September, she will be taking an art class, horseback riding once or twice per week, Tae Kwan Do three times per week,homeschool choir, and two homeschool science classes each week.  She also attends our local homeschool park days once or twice each week.

    Don't limit your son to homeschool groups only.  One of the joys of homeschooling is being able to be part of any group that interests him.

    All the best.

  3. I was  a very laid back homeschooler, but i let my children ( both of them ) set their own schedule for the most part, i would tel them the first of week what my expectations where, and when they got it done was up to them,  

    But for other activities,  now we did go to a homeschool bowling league,  but did not hold them to be with just homeschool kids, i did not feel it gave them enough diversity in their social skillls

    Mine took band at the schools, and they were involved in the dance program there, nd even other sports,  I found the local school to be very supportive and helpful,   and she loved making new friends,  

    THe oldest who is now in her 30  was not able to use the public school as much, i was homeschooling her before the huge rush to it,

    Please get the child out,  let them do sports,  let them experience other people  outside the * homeschool* world,  

    my opinion,  

    good luck  

  4. I was in a group called LEAH group (loving education at home) you can find one close to you, i don't know what you believe in but that group is christian.For online courses, There is switched on school house for the computer.I'll give you some sites,,, those.And you can join a leah group close by and do activites with them, feild trips, swimming, and things.And also with the Alpha omega academy you can get a diploma, search that site.IF you have another question email me.Iwas homeschooled

  5. First, we joined a homeschool support group through a large church in our community. If this doesn't interest you, there are other homeschool groups not tied to churches. Most of these groups get together monthly or weekly for park days and field trips. You should be able to find one with teen boys in it. Be sure and ask.

    Find some volunteer opportunities in your community if the support group dosen't organize these. In our sity they have a teen council.

    Find drama, art or music clubs.

    The mom network among home schoolers is very strong. Once you get connected with a group, they should be able to point you in the right direction.

    My kids have taken classes taught by other home school moms, volunteered at a retirement home, taken art classes, had the opportunity to join a debate club, lego club, music lessons, gymnastics for home schoolers....and the list goes on and on.

    So either call some big churches-most of the time you don't have to attend to be included in the group. And seach online for a homeschool support group in your town or city.

    After visiting the group several times, you can see if it's a good fit. If not, move on to another group.

    As for daily routine, I require that they do the majority of their work in the morning. We work from about 8-12.

    Best of Luck!


  6. I was pretty much in charge of my school and activities all through high school. If he is organized and has the self control to follow through with it, I suggest letting your son pick out his own curriculum.  I read books from the library for science and history, used Saxon math books, wrote papers (about anything and everything) for english, studied with other homeschool friends, took classes and workshops taught by other homeschoolers and their parents, took classes at the community college, and learned things on my own time.  It was awesome!

    For activities there is homeschool debate, homeschool groups, music lessons, many churches have homeschool programs that inculde band/orchestra/chior, theater, sports, scouts, the list goes on and on.  Basically, as a homeschooler your son will have time to be in all the activities he wants too because he won't be wasting his time at school all day long.  

  7. My kids are in grades 9 & 10, and we start at 8 and end at lunch a few days a week; the other days we start at 9 or 10 and end at lunch.

    On Tuesdays they have one coop class that is an hour, and it is through the local hs group.  Every day they have PE and sports team practice from 2-4 through a Christian school.  Once each month there is a mtg for hs'd teens where they do community service and play games.  The hs group also has field trips, academic competitions, and holiday parties.  I have hs'd teens at my home every other week for game days, and on the opposite weeks we go to a gym and play vball and bball.

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