
How it ended the Mexican Revolution of 1910? Were Mexican lands fairly divided and administrated?

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But Mexico is the Number ONE Tourists's world destination!

Mexico have a beaoutiful climate and friendly people and a Mega diverse culture.

So.... besides that... Most U.S Citizens libing overseas live in Mexico!!! wonder why?




  1. and most  Mexicans living overseas live in America..whats your point?..I think they wre fairly split up and Mexicans need to all live in Mexico..there's plenty down there for all

  2. No. The land reform proposals put forth by Zapata were not put into force until 1927, when the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) came to power. They seized all of the large land holdings and turned them over to a Ministry of Agrarian Reform to parcel out as lease holds to peasant farmers.

    But, that's all water under the bridge now. Appendix 2123 of NAFTA, negotiated as a "side bar" agreement by the U.S. Trade Representative, Mickey Kantor, required Mexico to sell all of those land holdings back into private hands,as of the fifth anniversary of NAFTA coming into effect. So, the "Esjidos" (Estates) laws of the 1920s are now null and void.

  3. The peasants fought the landowners and the peasants won officially. The slogan of the revolutionaries was "land and liberty." The peasants got some liberty, but the rich people kept the land.

    There is a joke in Mexico. They say, "Poor Mexico, so far from God and so close to the United States."

    Many Americans retire in Mexico because the US dollar will buy many pesos. A lot of American retirees with fixed incomes retire there because a dollar goes a lot further in Mexico.

  4. yes

  5. Nothing in Mexico is fair.  You can buy a house, furnish it and sit back to enjoy the view.  The government can come in and say you don't own it anymore.  Never buy anything in Mexico.

    It is never yours.  Just rent something and better still stay out of that country it is very corrupt.  Go to the government for help?  The law only applys to poor people, or foreigners.

    I wouldn't even go there on vacation.  Heard to many horror stories.

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