
How karate people kick through 5 blocks of ice and the kick transmits energy like a blade through them ????

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i have seen a video where a karate student kicked 5 blocks of ice and broke through them .. the kick looked like a swords going through all of them , like the energy flew was like in a straight line .. any one know how it is done , or whats the proper technique for such kick or what is its mechanism???




  1. lots of practice and proper technique. they also practice by hiting, kicking, chopping hard objects to strengthen their bones. its called wolf's law. that is how they are able to withstand all that. pretty cool huh.

  2. they break the objects by conditioning their bones by hitting objects over and over again doing this builds up the calcium in that area and that is how they can break objects with their arms and legs it is kind of like in the movies when you see them punching a board until they can punch throw it the same thing it just takes some time and pain

  3. The student wasnt doing any other technique than just a regular kick. He transmitted his power into one area which was shin. As he was preparing for the kick he absorbed the energy from the ground and focused it into his shin along with his physical strength. The chinese believed that there is a living essence inside everyone called chi. Chi is believed to be an aura that could be used to do 2 things. Chi can be used as a weapon to attack the nervous system or make any part of the body as hard as steel or it can used as medicine to heal the body. The student probably had chi experience and was able to focus his chi into his shin along with the energy from the ground and his mental strength making his kicking extremely lethal.

  4. hours and hours of practice. donditioning your weapons..fist, foot, shin, elbows etc is important. the technique is less important than follow through.

    it's the same principle no matter what the strike or target. put your hand in front of you and punch it. put your hand out to the end of the range of your fist, so you can barely hit it. hit it. now...move your hand closer to you about 2-3 hit it again with full extension of your striking fist. the second one hurt more because you are striking through the target, not at it.

    you need to penetrate on your strikes. aim behind the target a couple inches...or as my sensei once told me...just picture your fist going right through the target. in essence what you are getting is penetration...not just surface contact.

    the secret to power is in body mechanics. whether kicking or punching. the power is in your body and hip rotation. not in the limb itsself.

    picture the weapon (fist, foot, elbow, knee) as a nail....your target is a board....and your body is the hammer. you have to drive the nail THROUGH the target using the hammer.

    when doing power shots, it also can help alot to tighten your abs outward (push them out rather than squeezing them in) which makes them firm, but still allows you to breathe. this will "link" or "connect" your lower body and upper body and allow it to move unified.

    and don't forget to breathe out karate it is called a kiai (kee eye) in korea kihap (kee hop) ...dont just blow out air...but 'compress' the air by yelling, closing your throat slightly, or in some other way give the air some resistance. even boxers and mma guys do it when they "ush, ush, ush" as they strike. view your breath as your energy supply. when you strike you want to release that energy. if it's a quick strike or succession of strikes...release it slowly (punch and ush, punch and ush) ..if you're breaking you can release it all at once with a loud shout.

    also...relax...relaxation is key to speed...tense muscles slow you down alot. and speed (acceleration) x mass=force. the heavier your weapon is, and the faster it is moving, the more force it will strike with. so relax...literally relax your muscles. stay loose and calm. you will be faster, hit harder, and be smarter than if you're angry and tense.

    likewise if you hit a stack of ice or bricks and you stop on the surface...if you're might break the top one. but...if you penetrate and keep driving are much more likely to break them all, or at least more. also once you break the first one, the weight of the brick you just broke crashes down on the next brick, add that to the force of the strike, add those to your body weight crashing down on top of your strike and its easier to break the second one. likewise, now you have your weight, your force, and the weight of 2 bricks crashing down on the third one...etc etc

    relax, stay loose and calm, drive in the nail with the hammer..and drive the nail THROUGH the board. dont hold your breath and...believe in yourself.

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